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Everything posted by Brighterthansunshine

  1. LOL!!! Criminals??? It is always very worrying when people cannot grasp the basics of an argument. LL imposed a very bizzare ratings system on a very lucrative COMMERCIAL site, which exists to make money. It is not a charity. We all benefit from a healthy economy based on fair trading rules. SL is not an airy fairy charity. If it were not for merchants making a healthy profit, sl and rl, none of us would exist on heer to chew the cud.
  2. TY Jenifer, the voice of reason... Couldn't agree with you more!
  3. Yes, In an IDEAL WORLD that would be so... but we live in a less that ideal world and my sales figure speak for themselves!!! And please don't patronise me with: "The answer is NOT to just list all sex beds in the general category, or for merchants to sneak around and cheat the system in order to get their own items there too. That is, at it's core, using the excuse of "Well, he/she did it first!" which most people grow out of no later than about the age of 12." This is happening. We'd all like it not to be happening, but this is just like the real world. It is. Grow up.
  4. Ok, I checked your MP store, and you have NO adult items listed, so you're just blowing hot air. And you seem to be missing the point entirely!!! If there was a true adult section, policed by MP I would be ecstatic. But there isn't. So I have to play bt the same rules that everyone else in this sector plays by, or just give in and lose half my revenue. That doesn't seem to 'make a lick of sense' to me...
  5. You say this: "Then you complain that others have listing similar to yours that belong in the adult category, but they don't put them there, so why you should have to do so and then "lose out" on they market they're getting." I think you answered my question!!! And yet, you still miss the point. This is not an even playing field... If I log on as a customer and forget to enable 'adult' and search for 'Sex Bed' I will see quite a few sex beds in the general catagory. As this customer, I will assume that this is all that is available and either: Buy one of the few on offer, or go in world and search for a better selection, or just not bother.. thinking there is not much choice, thus depriving MP of their commision. I really have no wish to corrupt young minds. But this current system is inept in this catagory and benefits no one
  6. Aaaaaa! Eutopia!!!! You say: "I find it a little bit odd that you complain about your items being flagged and forced into an adult category. If they are adult items, they aren't being forced anywhere, that's where they belong, period. Any adult items I have ever sold have ALWAYS been put in the adult category. I don't know why you would believe your items don't deserve to be there with the rest of the adult rated items. None of us are that special **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://secondlife.i.lithium.com/i/smilies/16x16_smiley-wink.gif" border="0" alt=":smileywink:" title="Smiley Wink" /> We're all supposed to abide by the same listing guidelines." But human nature dictates that we don't. And as long as the MP allows people to 'cheat' the system people will. Sad but true. And this is being done on a huge scale, by major players in this catagory. So, whilst it might be nice to have scruples, it is also very damaging to any business that trys to play by the rules.
  7. I make adult furniture for SL residents. Nothing too risky, just vanilla flavoured sex beds and sofas with a small in world store and a store on the Marketplace. The Marketplace is a great tool for merchants but it has a MASSIVE flaw. People forget to enable 'Adult' when they log on. I have questioned many, many clients and they tell me this is the case. I've done this myself. My sales take a nose dive when items have been flagged and are forced into the adult category, seriously damaging my sales by AT LEAST 50%. Merchants are forced to play cat and mouse, sneaking their adult items back into the general category, risking the listing being deleted permanently. This is a constant nightmare having to check several times a day to see that items have not been removed. I suspect that the people doing the flagging are people who are in my position, frustrated that Marketplace does not offer a level playing field to sellers. The problem is self perpetuating and unfair to everyone in this category. There is always plenty of sex furniture for sale in the general category at any time Here's the solution. When logging onto MP there should be a welcome screen with UNDER 21/OVER 21 access buttons. This will sort the adults from the teenagers. Better still, Make SL for adults and reintroduce/re market the teen grid to the under 18's. And let peace reign once more. Any thoughts?
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