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AceFlyBye Perse

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Everything posted by AceFlyBye Perse

  1. Last night I crashed and when I log back in I am wearing my entire inventory. I get all kinds of error messages about failed rezzing and can't attach to invalid attachment point. When I go to try and take everything off I crash and next time I log back in its all on there. I have cleared cache. Tried a different viewer. Tried a different computer. Tried a character test. I have tried one by one detaching it all. I have tried logging into beta grid then into regular grid. None of that worked and I'm still logging in with my entire inventory attached to me. I have also moved regions and am in an empty Sim. Any suggestions or help would be appreciated! Thanks! Edit: Ok so I have tried clearing cache then waiting for my inventory to fully load. After it was fully loaded I went to take everything off the whole browser froze and crashed and back to the same issue. I also am having an issue with the character test. I'm not even able to do it anymore without the browser crashing. Also it might not be my whole inventory but it is stuff I have never even worn before. LIke furnture and boxes and large prims and skye boxes and houses and stuff that are all attaching to me. It is also different stuff everytime I log in. Edit 2: I also tried replacing the whole outfit after the inventory fully loaded and that also didn't fix it. I have sent in a ticket to LL but they wont help me or do anything without being a premium account so I'm trying everything I can to fix it before becoming a premium account becasue i would only be a premium account to fix this issue.
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