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Amanda Hewitt

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Everything posted by Amanda Hewitt

  1. They complain because they don't have one (or 5) sizes fits all AV's. And once you've bought an outit that doesn't work, your stuck unless you change your AV for each outfit and vendor. I haven't met too many women in SL who are pleased with mesh - but maybe that's because the other women I know are unique!
  2. Nice if you have a one size fits all AV - for us girls with different shapes mesh dresses are garbage most of the time! Once you buy an outfit and it won't work unless you change your AV you are simply out of luck as far as Linden Labs is concerned. It's just plain stupid!
  3. REALLY!?!?!? So your saying it's successful because of sale? What does that mean? If you buy a mesh outfit and it won't work what can you do? NOTHING! Vendors have no simpathy - offer no refunds - and simply say "you need to change your AV." Linden Labs offers no way to get your money back or even complain - why would they when it means they have to give money back to. AND half the time there is no way of knowing you're buying mesh. Just another reason that SL is loosing it's aura!
  4. That would be nice if all stores had demos or told you that you were buying mesh - they don't and it's frustrating and expensive for many of us. Personally I fed up with this garbage!
  5. Mesh is just garbage - I've wasted so much money on mesh cloths that just don't work!!! To make things worse, many of the vendors say that I need to change my AV - REALLY!?!?! For each new outfit I buy? Half the vendors don't even tell you your buying mesh garbage and Linden Labs doesn't care because they earn money on each sale without giving buyers a way to complain or get their money back. Wouldn't it be nice if there were SL attorneys? Today I purchased a dress with a skirt that only fits in XL since my bottom shows through in every other size. The vendors suggestion - change my AV's rear - I'd look like a guy if I trimmed myselt that much!! And what happens when I purchase the next outfit? Do I need to have a different AV for each one? STUPID!! So I guess Linden Labs really wants to have all AV's fit a certain mold - 5 exact sizes only! Mesh is just a stupid waste for shoppers like me!! LINDEN LABS - YOU need to require that stores tell customers if an item is mesh - period!!!
  6. Second Life Marketplace took my money and now is not delivering anything - 4 items - 4 separate vendors. 2 were Christmas dresses for today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I now have nothing to spend!! What a joke - you just ruined my day
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