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Posts posted by Sebjust

  1. Hello. I made a shirt and worn it. Now I want to disable the "touch" function so that other residents when clicking right-mouse button on my wearable shirt cannot bring up the menu. Can i do this without script?

    P.S. i didn't find scripts in content of some brends clothes  but  i can't bring up menu when i click on worn object. They are unselectable

  2. on sim 4 no modify objects with strange Textanimscript in content. Owner Gucci Mayne. I can't remove, edit, return, move, delete them. All sim is lag. In about land/object not shown any object. Grifier was banned, but objects still there. beacons show only that 4 object. Land owner made restart and clean sim many time but object was magicaly return. please help me with that problem
  3. Something i doing wrong with that script:( i have 8 linked object and want animate with alpha script only 4 from them with names "obj1", "obj2", "obj3" and "obj4". I need first visible "obj1" then it will alpha and "obj2" will visible and etc.  I removed from script only:

    touch_start(integer num)  // In which you turn animation On/Off    {        llSetTimerEvent(animation_speed* (gON = !gON));         link_counter = 0;

    because i don't need to touch object. i will wear it.

    i get this:

    float animation_speed = 0.5;
    integer link_counter;
    list gModel_list=["obj1", "obj2", "obj3", "obj4"];  // List of your animated link numbers
    integer gLen;  // Length of gModel_list

    state_entry()  // In which you make a list of the links to be animated
    integer i = llGetNumberOfPrims();
    while (i)
    if (llGetLinkName(i) == "obj1")  // Find the links named "Model"
    gModel_list += ; // Add them to a list
    gLen = llGetListLength(gModel_list); // How long is the list?

    changed( integer c)
    if ( c & CHANGED_LINK)

    timer() // In which you animate the links
    link_counter = (++link_counter)%gLen; // Choose the next link in gModel_list, a new one each time the timer fires
    integer i;
    while ( i < gLen) // Step through all links listed in gModel_list
    integer Link = llList2Integer(gModel_list,i); // Get the link number
    if ( i == link_counter) // If this link is the one chosen .....
    llSetLinkAlpha(Link, 1.0, ALL_SIDES); // ... make it visible
    llSetLinkAlpha( Link,0.0, ALL_SIDES); /// .... make it transparent

    i don't get error but script not work. Could you please write where i was wrong?

  4. Hello everybody! I can't find script:( Could you please help me? I made a mesh hat with some small wheels on it. I want wear that hat and when i start walk wheels start animation. When i stop walking then animation on hat is stop too. Same i want make this running but with another wheels animation on hat.  For wheels animation i used transparent script.Thank you for your replies.

    Sorry for my english

  5. Hello everybody! I can't find script:( Could you please help me? I made a mesh hat with some small wheels on it. I want wear that hat and when i start walk wheels start animation. When i stop walking then animation on hat is stop too. Same i want make this running but with another wheels animation on hat.  For wheels animation i used transparent script.Thank you for your replies.

    Sorry for my english

  6. Sorry I want to ask about this script. I tested it. Work nice. I made bag which worn on shoulder and i want when owner touch on this bag it will unpack. I put this script in my bag but one problem. Everyone who touch on my bag can get all objects. I need only owner can unpack it. I try change this script but no success. Could you please help me with it? i need one script when touch on worn object and one automatically unpack when wear my bag. Both without unpack scripts. Thank you! Sorry my english

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