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Siggi Laurent

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  1. So i spoke to this guy, and asked why he's doing such things. For fun was the answer. He stated it is all legaly, he has bought an hud that does it for him. Who knows of such huds, and are the realy sold legaly? edit: just found such thing named "French Kiss"
  2. Thank You for Your help! Is it at least possible to export the appearence of my avatar e.g. all dimensions/values, or do i have to write all down and configure it new? Using Phoenix Firestorm-Release v4.4.2.34167 always tried "stop animating my avatar" but had no luck
  3. Hello, due to some stupidity i allowed somebody animating my avatar. The question looked right the same way, as if i starting e.g. a danceball. Now due to this permission this person can always animate my avatar without my permission doing the stupidest things. How can i withdraw such permissions? If not possible, i have to make a new avatar, how is it possible to transfer the bought skin, clothes and especialy the appearence of the recent to the new avatar? Thank You for helping
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