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  1. Some things never load for me. Walls, floors and probably other objects. I can not select them, it's as if they don't exist. But If it's a floor I can walk on it and if it's a wall I can't walk thru it. I tried to clear cache but it did not really help.. some things appeared though If I log off and back on, things still remain missing. I can see this with viewer 3 and firestorm Addition: Thanks for the answers. @Cinn: I agree that the closer objects should load first, but this is not what I observe. However, the drawing distance is set to 160m, which is rather short. @Rolig: Yes! Some objects even don't load for weeks! I will try to reduce the HTTP-thing and increase the pre-caching second. (I don't know what I'm doing). I will update this later. (Would be nice if I could add some comments to the discussion instead...) Update: I found this help: "Time to delay while pre-caching before showing world: Allows the world to start caching before it is shown, at login." Sounds as if that is only changing something when logging in, so it's not applicable for my problem. Also, I tuned down the HTTP-requests from 8 to 4 to 2 to 1 and then turned off HTTP using UDP (whatever that is). It does not change the behaviour. I'm standing here /Fitting room at BareRose, Black Cat) for about 10 minutes without a floor (and many other things) What makes me wonder is, that I can't even select the objects and use the "Tex Refresh"! When I right-click, it's as if nothing would be there. I also noticed that it has nothing to do with the lag or how many people there are. TP back and forth does not help. The problem seems to depend (also) on the region, some regions load, some have problems. I assume I won't get any more answers and file a bug report https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-7545
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