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Bruce Bonham

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  1. Hello! Thanks for trying to help. I'm making one of those card-matching Memory games, and I'm currently working on having the game manager rezzing the shuffled cards. It works perfectly with the root object oriented the way it was when I programmed it. In that situation I just do this: for(i = 0; i < llGetListLength(newList); ++i) { if((counter > 0) && (counter%4) == 0) { xPos += xIncrement; zPos = 1.0; } else zPos += zIncrement; llRezObject(llList2String(newList, i), llGetPos() + <0.0, xPos, zPos>, <0.0,0.0,0.0>, <0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0>, 0); counter++; } And it gives me a beautiful 4x4 grid of cards. Properly Aligned Rezzing However, when I rotate the game manager object to a new orientation, then the cards are rezzing in the same location they were based on the earlier coordinates: Improperly Aligned Rezzing I bumbled about with getrot, getlocalrot, getlocalpos, but can't get anything to work. Primarily, because I believe that when you rotate then xPos+= xIncrement won't function... if you turn it around the opposite direction then it should probably have to be xPos-=xIncrement. At least that's what I think the ultimate problem is. My question to you guys is can you help me find a solution that will allow my users to rotate the game board, or will I simply need to distribute it as uneditable and force them to only use the stock orientation? Thanks again for reading, any and all suggestions and help would be appreciated.
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