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Everything posted by Museling

  1. 7 days is pretty short to me honestly, but Im a patient sort of person. Heh.
  2. Well dont worry you won't need Peggy to fill you in. My forum thread has been forwarded to support and linden labs will be answering shortly on the subject.
  3. How exaxctly to I call them? Im not filling out an AR report, the only lines of communication I know of are AR and the billing support line. What are the contact details to get in contact with a linden?
  4. As usual I keep getting mixed answers. Not a single person in these chats are lindens, or work for linden in any way. You may feel you are correct, you may feel the other person isn't correct. But you are not officals and I really would like to know, officaly what the ruling is on such things. Not how to share them outside of SL, Im talking speficifcly if you share logs WITHIN SL without the person's consent to do so. Not if this or if that. Just straight up. You all agree to abide by TOS rules when playing SL, they always trump rules in any and every sim reguardless. None of this you have to agree to play in the sim to their rules. The sim owners FIRST have to agree to TOS to have the sim, or play second life in the first place as I've read over the rules. But as this very thread shows. Everyone has their own -opinion- of the rules. And its usualy people who GM in sims who feel that yes they are allowed to share. And its usualy non gm's, aka: average players. Who feel they cannot share logs. Bias aside I'd love -offical- wording on it, not know it alls.
  5. Dosn't that mean that by playing second life you agree to their rules first?
  6. Does the rules of a sim trump the TOS when it comes to sharing IMs. I've been told by people in the past nothing breaks TOS, its like saying well if its in the rules child avatars can be in an adult sim because its in the SIM rules for being in that sim. Why would logs be any different without permission.
  7. Need confirmation. I rp at a sim that has in its rules a disclaimer that says playing in this sim allowes gms to exchange Private Im logs without the permission of the players. Is this legal under the TOS? I would love the confirmation from a linden themselves as I've heard back and forth constantly on this topic. Thank you.
  8. Yes well aware of the things going on in china, thread was about if anyone knows anything about the voice thing to confirm it, preferably someone from china or if anyone knows how to get around it. A little help please.
  9. My partner lives in beijing china. He's noted for the last year his sl voice hasn't worked, he used many other voice programs but thinks the firewall may have something to do with it. Asking any other chinese residents if they are having the same problem and if there is a way to get around this or fix it. Trying to find out if its an isolated glitch or something more. -Chow
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