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Elite Redgrave

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Everything posted by Elite Redgrave

  1. Please see the below URL and comment in the thread if interested. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Inworld-Employment/Professional-DJ-FOR-HIRE-WORKED-FOR-G-O-L-DJ-IN-RL-AT-VARIOUS/td-p/1269889
  2. Please check out the below URL and post in the thread if interested. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Inworld-Employment/Professional-DJ-FOR-HIRE-WORKED-FOR-G-O-L-DJ-IN-RL-AT-VARIOUS/td-p/1269889
  3. Please see the below link and post in the thread if interested. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Inworld-Employment/Professional-DJ-FOR-HIRE-WORKED-FOR-G-O-L-DJ-IN-RL-AT-VARIOUS/td-p/1269889
  4. I'm a DJ in real life for various bars and clubs around Brisbane, Australia. I'm looking for an online audience to tune my skills and to promote / test new tracks and mixes i've made. In my past i've worked for Goddess Of Love *GOL* secondlifes biggest club chain. I've usually broadcasted to an audience of 70-180+ people. My ability to fill requests and to promote on sim products/features and events are speedy and hard to pass up. I've got various premium outfits which cost me an arm and a leg and will make any night an eye opener. I've also got hardware decks which are Traktor S4s and I'm able to broadcast live video whilst mixing if required. WORKING AVAILABILITY & TIMES Weekdays - 7:00PM AEST AND ONWARDS Weekends - Sky's the limit here as i'm not at my RL job. (enquire) REQUIREMENTS None really! All I ask is if you work with me in AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time) there's nothing more confusing or frustrating than converting SLT and PST, it does my head in! Looking forward to seeing your replies, also.. I don't require a salary, just tips or whatever. Contact Options You can get me in game on the name EliteTek or username elite.redgrave You can also get me on Facebook at http://facebook.com/elitetek
  5. Hello, I'd be happy to help out anywhere after 6:00PM AEST on weeknights and weekends. I've worked for a vast majority of the bigger clubs back in 2009-2010, this includes GOL and Hedonism Radio and a few others. Swing me a message in game if you'd like me to come in for a trial run. Ingame name is EliteTek and username is elite.redgrave Looking forward to your response.
  6. Hello, I'd be happy to help out anywhere after 6:00PM AEST on weeknights and weekends. I've worked for a vast majority of the bigger clubs back in 2009-2010, this includes GOL and Hedonism Radio and a few others. Swing me a message in game if you'd like me to come in for a trial run. Ingame name is EliteTek and username is elite.redgrave Looking forward to your response.
  7. Hello, I'd be happy to help out anywhere after 6:00PM AEST on weeknights and weekends. I've worked for a vast majority of the bigger clubs back in 2009-2010, this includes GOL and Hedonism Radio and a few others. Swing me a message in game if you'd like me to come in for a trial run. Ingame name is EliteTek and username is elite.redgrave Looking forward to your response.
  8. Hello, I'd be happy to help out anywhere after 6:00PM AEST on weeknights and weekends. I've worked for a vast majority of the bigger clubs back in 2009-2010, this includes GOL and Hedonism Radio and a few others. Swing me a message in game if you'd like me to come in for a trial run.
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