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Everything posted by Necina

  1. I made a post here before about things not sending from the marketplace, I even tried another (older) account of mine in an attempt to try and send items to my newer account. It did not work. That isn't the only issue I'm having, however. I also attempted to buy a few things in world, and even those did not work. A few did send after I logged in a second time, but that doesn't seem normal what so ever. Another issue I've been having is I cannot teleport anywhere, at all. I usually have to log out, then type in the sim I want to go to, and I can log in there just fine. This account is only two days old and it's already having all of these issues. I've sent a ticket in, but haven't received anything back because I figure many, many other people are doing the exact same thing I am. I could go ahead and send ticket after ticket after ticket, but I hardly think that will get me any help any faster. I've also tried clearing my cache both of my browser and viewer, I've tried using a different browser, I only purchase one thing at a time from the marketplace and still nothing shows up in my inventory, I also have tried the default Viewer 2 and Firestorm and teleporting places still logs me out. I'm pretty much at wits end here. Also, I've tried making notecards to send to the people I've purchased from, however none of the contents of my notecards save.
  2. So my account is new, but I'm definitely not new to second life. I am currently having an issue with my new account. Items I buy on and off of the market place don't show up in my inventory, but same goes for when I buy things in world. Before I used Phoenix, but I have gone back to the default 2.0 SL Viewer because of the new mesh additions. Reguardless, my issue seems to have no way of solving itself. I've cleared my cache from both my browser and my viewer, I've logged in and out on both the website and the viewer itself, I've even tried using different viewers in an attempt to make items show, however none of them are and I can't figure out why.
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