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BrunoPhil Beaumont

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Posts posted by BrunoPhil Beaumont

  1. They are where they are, and certainly not willing to serve you. You've been banning everyone not sharing your views, so don't play the one who's surprised... You've even been banning those who could be customers... The 2-years-after-banned ones salute you :-))))) The fact that you still try to recruit after all this time and at such regular times shows that your dictature over your place is unproductive.

  2. You post this message in the Commerce forum, inworld employment.... Needless to say how you consider a friendship is. I better believe you got it wrong when choosing the right forum.... Anyway, this shows how careful you are when acting... You'll certainly gain in credibility out there lol

  3. If you love empty and useless places, then this one's made for you ! You'll have not much conversation there, as I tried it several times and unless you enjoy robots' conversation, there's not many things to do out there. Apart from this, this place is a multi-store, so you won't spend your time doing anything else than BUYING.You're good to go there if you love it.


  4. I'm taking a LM just in case. Not as a DJ (I have no interest anymore), but as a customer ! :-) I love the mix that you propose : dance, rock, country (maybe some 80s music too, hey, that would be nice ?). Very good choice. I wish you plenty of sucesses ! :-) Cheers  (and btw, all people who post here for a position or whatever should think of publishing LM of their venue. That would be great)


  5. Salut Aryem,

    Cela aurait été super si tu avais donné quelques détails supplémentaires, pour éviter à ceux que cela pourrait intéresser de poster inutilement ! (Comme : horaires, style musical souhaité, et pourquoi pas, un URL du Landmark... et oui, ca plaît pas mal aux gens de visiter un peu tout d'abord avant de faire un premier pas...).  Il me semble que ces informations auraient été cruciales... mais bon, tu fais ce que tu veux ! :-)

  6. C'est bon ? Ca y 'est ? Tu y a été de ta logorrhée ? Pffff.  Je te remercie.. oh non ! mon transit intestinal te remercie. Voilà pourquoi je n'ai jamais apprécié la présence de mes semblables : ils fontr ch..er !  Comme ca, c'est dit. Quant aux rosbifs et ceux qui ne parlent pas notre langue en tous genres, et ben.... bref. Ils ne valent pas mieux, mais au moins, y'a de la poésie dans ce qu'on ne comprend pas toujours !

  7. Yeah.

    You change your name and music style unexpectedly. Once blues, once country, once rock'n'roll. This time ? I guess that with such a name, all alcoholics will gather around. But what else ? You need to offer visibility and mid-term perspectives.So choose a style (you've got  yours) and stick to it. If you change every week, like in a hurry, you might attract a few people but not in a long term. Of course you are free to ignore my thoughts.

    Cheers, Bruno

  8. Who's naive ? Good question. Neither nice formulas nor advertising falsely will save you from a planned sinking down. Your venue is litterally the Titanic. You changed several times your style, hoping to find something that could work. Okay. Only stupid persons don't change their mind, it's understood. But welcoming people like you do is clearly a suicide. I feel I was sacked. Perhaps with a reason. But you tend to do this easily :-)

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