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  1. Lindal Kidd, thank you so much with your help!!!! It's really nice seeing ppl really care and are so helpful.. I think i went crazy and shopped too much..smiles. There are things on there that I can't delete. I had a friend that got me outfits for what he liked and I didn't, which has wings, tatoos and more. So, I am deleting them all but, like I said, some of them i can't. Again, I appreaciate you helping me out...Sincerely, Disirable :-)
  2. Rolig Loon, I can't thank you enough for your help!!! I couldn't believe how many scripts I had or even knew about them...A friend was trying to help me and that's why he said do the character test and I even said NO WAY!!! It brought me back to so ugly.lol. Never, ever will i do that again. I did get her back to looking normal, smiles. I will definitely follow what you wrote for me and I am sure, there are others that this can help them as well. Sincerely Grateful, Disirable
  3. My avi has been lagging so bad regarless where she is. I went and had her scripts checked and it was at 855 and a friend told me to to do character test, and i did...OMG, I had to redo her from scratch. I was able to fix her and her scripts went down to 544 and she was fine last night. I got on this morning and now she is still lagging and has gree/blue hightlights in her hair. I am so lost... :-( How do i chat with live help, I did pay the premim and was told. Thank you,if anyone can help..smiles
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