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Everything posted by PoppinYourPouch

  1. Hello About a month ago, I noticed that there were some extra linden charges on my credit card. So I looked into it and it turns out that my SL daughter had been charging lindens on my credit card. She is a minor in RL, and I had given her my password (I dont know why). Her and my accounts are both on hold, this is an alt i'm using to post this question. We were emailing each other and she said that LL sent her a message saying that her account was on hold for using an unauthorized credit card, she thinks she's going to get arrested...will she? She charged about $200.
  2. I'm sorry what do you mean historical purpuses?
  3. When I tried to comment on a case, it said "This case is no longer available for comment because it has been archived." Can someone tell me what's going on with it?
  4. I gave my password to my SL daughter a while back just as a trust thing (I know it was stupid, dont remind me), and now it's showing a bunch of credit card charges from her. She won't admit it, but I know she did. She came with a bunch of new clothes on. She was my SL daughter, and she charged my credit card over 100 dollars. What should I do? She is a minor in RL. I'm so confused. I dont want her to get into RL trouble for this, the bill isnt that high, im just adressing it, calling the FBI is out of the question. I dont want to ruin her life for one small dumb thing she may have done. But could she get into trouble for this?
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