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Posts posted by AmandaMir

  1. I think that loving or hating a house depends a lot on the environment that surrounds it.

    I have been lucky enough to have a boat for two years and I really like it. In my case my boat only had others behind it, both sides were water with boats in the background and the front had one of the islands with the roofs of the boats, so the view was not bad. The Windlass model is very large, I built an addon on the upper terrace with a large window similar to the one on the boat, using only half of the terrace I had a very spacious room, with a bathroom included. So it had a huge kitchen, a huge living room with a fireplace and upstairs, a large room with a large window and a large terrace. Much more space than in the traditional ones, which were the only ones that existed at that time, I also took advantage of the front space that I had in the boat to make a dock with a natural water pool. I personally don't like very closed spaces, so having large windows and not having wall partitions was perfect for me, in addition to seeing the views from any point of the boat.

    Stilt I only had one for a few hours to play with it a bit, but I'm tired of sea and sand, so now I'm looking for a green area with water, so I discarded it, but they are a style of house that I like because they have what I am looking for, open space, large windows and guaranteed sea views, I would not take one on land, I like them better on the pier.

    Choose a model in which you feel more comfortable and everything is to test terrains until you see one in which you are happy.

    • Like 3
  2. After 2 years in a beautiful boat, I have finally decided to change to a green mountain area and try if I could get some abandoned beauty. But I have used all 5 attempts and I could only see two different terrains, near the last one that it offered me twice in a row, there is an abandoned one that could be perfect for me. 

    I know that it is the machine that assigns the land randomly, but it is frustrating to spend 5 attempts and see only two knowing that several more are available and even more when you see one without an owner that you love. :(

    I hope to have better luck tomorrow.

    • Sad 1
  3. I agree with Orwar, most of us want a high level of customization in our avatar and be exclusive, also, it allows you to quickly make different looks depending on the occasion. A change of hair, eyes and makeup, or simply today I want to be a dark elf with gray skin. The more creators making objects for the avatars, the more options you will have to customize yourself to your personal taste.

    • Thanks 1
  4. Thanks for all the contributions indicating how to make it easier to try to access these new houses. I had already seen this last post Help and Info to get the new Linden Home.

    At the moment when not everyone who has a premium account has a house of the same category available, not everyone has the same advantages. It is not the same to have these old houses as the new ones and that I think is quite obvious to everyone.

    In my particular case I do not have much time to enter SL for several months and I have my own land, so I do not care to have the house or not, I have become premium long before these houses were available and not for having a house, my reason was other advantages. But those unfortunates who have not been online just when the houses have been launched, have not managed to get one for various reasons and want it, will have to live as homeless people for a very indefinite time. This for me is not to have the same advantages or that is at least my opinion. Having to check the page constantly for days and days I do not think it is an option for everyone, even if you have the addon. Of course I respect all opinions but I have my own and that is that they are not managed in the best way.

  5. I don't know how much time you have available to continually refresh the page to see if you are lucky enough to be able to find your home in Bellisaria, I believe that this new policy of making new houses available without our knowing the exact moment is not the best. The first traditional houses have been available in mid-May, we are in mid-September and even many people with a premium account do not have the possibility of getting one. In my opinion it is really a long time.
    Personally I do not like the option of the new trailer houses, yesterday I was trying to see if I got one but it is not my style. So I will have to keep waiting for the unknown time to be able to get hold of one of the traditional ones and waste the little time I have to refresh the page over and over again, being premium for years.
    I am very happy that they finally realized that they needed to catch up with the creators in terms of quality but their policy of how they are doing seems really bad to me.
    I think it was quite obvious that this was going to be a success and they should have prepared it better before making these houses available and leaving many people out, without access to the same advantages that other people have by paying the same to the company.
    • Haha 1
  6. Hola, intento entrar a SL con un portatil con Windows Vista, es Intel Core 2GH2, ram de 2.50 gb, grafica Ati mobility radeon x1400.

    He instalado Firestorm, singularity y el Viewer oficial de SL y con todos me pasa lo mismo. Al llegar a la pantalla de login se cierran todos, me da un crash y no tengo ni idea de porque ocurre esto. Tampoco me da ningun mensaje de error, solo  se cierra. 

    Alguien sabe porque puede pasar esto? Gracias. 



  7. Muachas gracias por las respuestas.

    En las especificaciones que estuve mirando parecia que la tarjeta si las soportaba, pero queria confirmar que esto fuera asi y no por un problema de configuracion interna, no encuentro en ningun sitio cuales son los requerimientos minimos con claridad y en el soporte de firestorm tampoco me lo aclara nadie.

    Si, son esas sombras y tambien las quiero para fotografia.

  8. Buenas, tengo una duda con las sombras dinamicas, llevo intentando activarlas un monton de tiempo. Si tengo una tarjeta que soporta solo openGL2 las sombras dinamicas son compatibles??? La opcion para activarlas no se me activa en develop y en preferencias tengo de desactivar las sombras basicas porque con ellas la pantalla se queda en negro. Pero se supone que mi tarjeta grafica si las soporta.

    Tambien tengo el problema de no poder subir al hacer fotos la resolucion a mas de lo que tengo en pantalla, si la subo al hacer la foto aparece una raya negra en medio. Alguien sabe porque?

    Mi tarjeta grafica es una geforce 7300. gracias.

  9. Muchas gracias a todos por las respuestas, despues de meses logre soluccionar el problema.

    Probe los visores que me deciais, todos menos uno... Y justo ese es el que me va. Es el Cool SL viewer.

    Ya pensaba que era mi grafica e iba a cambiar la tarjeta, por lo visto no es eso, es que mi PC no tiene algo que se llama SSE1, (no tengo ni idea de que es o para que vale) si el ordenador no tiene o no soporta eso, no funcionan los visores que soportan mesh, salvo el Cool SL Viewer que viene preparado. De momento me va bien, sin nigun problema.

    Espero que sirva de ayuda a alguien mas. Gracias.


  10. Nada, que no hay manera. 

    La tarjeta grafica la tenia actualizada a la ultima version, por si sirve de ayuda a alguien tengo nvidia geforce 7300, el ordenador ya tiene algun año pero la tarjeta no es mala, no se si al cambiar esto se me habra quedado antigua. Es lo unico que se me ocurre a estas alturas, por mas que cambio sigue todo igual. 

    El Kirsten esta preparado para meshes???

    Muchas gracias por la ayuda. 


  11. Hola a todos.

    Estaba utilizando phoenix sin ningún problema pero me he decidido a cambiarme a Firestorm, ya que va a ser el que se utilizará en adelante.


    El problema que tengo es que el pelo flexi no lo veo bien, tengo problemas gráficos. En lugar de verse correctamente, sobre todo los ondulados, me salen como unas patas de araña laterales y unos cuadros, tambien algunas zonas sin color, se queda nube. He estado preguntando en grupos de ayuda y me dicen que no debería ser así y no consegui solucionar el problema.


    Alguien sabe cual debería ser la configuración gráfica correcta para solucionar este problema???

    Muchas gracias.

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