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Everything posted by SirPredatorOfLegion

  1. Havent been using SL for very long. I have some vehicles that appear to function but are locked in place. They worked when I first got them, and yes I know some vehicles have a start up phrase. Also projectiles that I launch such as arrows and knives stick in the air directly in front of me. I believe these two problems to be related. I have a purchased avatar skin, hair, body, ect and have already tried removing everything and using a default avatar. A buddy of mine also seems to have this problem. Any Help would be appreciated. Additional info: I'm not in a no scipt area and the stuff that wont work now did work in the same area Im in that it wont work now. I know the land owner plenty of prims left and I've tried the same items in other sims that they should work in and previously did. Also it's not a single item, it seems to be all of a related types. I have yet to find a projectile weapon that wont stick in the air right in frot of me. I tried many bows, throwing knives and a few guns. As for the vehicles it appears that I cant use anything that has to be rezzed onto the ground and sits there. Airships still work but are not touching the ground when rezzed. The vehicles that dont work show up, I can get on them and they make the noise of going and associated animations ( ex. wheels spinning) but will not move in any direction. @Innula Zenovka So far the problem has occured in every sim Ive tried to use the objects. The objects do travel a short distance when fired about 2-3 scaled feet, then remain frozen in the air at about head level until deleted (manually or automatically) or picked up. Its almost like theres an invisible wall directly infront of my avatar that turns on anytime I use a vehicle that is sitting on the ground ( vehicle become stuck in place for all directions and cannot leave the ground) or use projectiles ( contact explosive projectiles detonate on throw as If they had hit something immediately infront of me).
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