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Rachael Lundquist

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Posts posted by Rachael Lundquist

  1. HI there,

    I have read this a lot in the forums here and there and I have taken several steps to try and solve this myself using other forum ideas... but alas I am at a loss.

    Firstly I would like to say that I can run phoenix viewer v1.5.2.1185  perfectly well, no problems at all.

    When I try and run the new updated version of second life or firestorm I am able to log in for all of a minute then my screen freezes and I am logged out.

    Here are my system specs - 

    Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit

    Intel Core i7 cu 930@2.80GHz (8 CPUs) ~2.8GHz

    Memory 12288MB RAM

    NVIDIA GeForce GTS 250


    I use Optusnet ADSL.   And yes I was using a netgear router but as they featured so frequently in any problems with second life I unplugged it and I am using the OPTUSNET standard issue Sagem Fast1201 V2 Optus ADSL modem.


    I am at a loss.  I have fiddled with settings and...

    I have lowered draw distance

    I have lowered my graphics card setting

    I have unplugged my netgear modem

    I have turned off my computers firewall

    I have configured my firewall using the official linden lab guidelines http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Configuring_your_firewall

     Rebooted my optus modem

    Defragged and cleaned out my computer

    Uninstalled and reinstalled the viewer

    Tried the Beta viewer.. (to no avail)


    I just find this rather exhausting.  If anyone has any ideas I would love to hear them.  



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