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Varoona Valdez

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Everything posted by Varoona Valdez

  1. Hi there i'm looking for an armor maker willing to make some very heavy looking plate armor for the belleza freya body. More specifically I'm looking for something medieval/fantasy themed. I would love to chat and figure out pric8g and what not.
  2. I there i'm looking for someo one to sculpt me a custome head. I just cannot find what i need in secondlife and my attempts at moddin multipul things together has not panned out too well. I don't need any scripts or animations put in all of that i can do myself. Please send me a message in Sl or reply here i'll show you what i'm looking for and hopefully from there i can get a quote from your for the cost. thanks
  3. Hello there every one I'm a rather avid modder myself but sadly I absolutely fail at making my own textures. So I was looking for someone to help me out. But I've got two requests... Hope that's OK First I was wondering if some one could give me a quote on making a full mesh avatar for me? I'm not sure how much they cost. And though I probably can't afford it It would be a nice goal to save up for I think The second one is To get some custom head, muzzle, jaw, chest, and breast textures. Be warned I have a full prim avatar so this will most likely make things rather tricky. You can contact me in world for details but I'll throw out a few here Yes it's a furry avatar There are a lot of prims on the chest and I mean A LOOOOT of them I don't have the exact number at the moment though General color scheme: grayish silver and black Specific design need; A tribal looking butterfly marking on he head that ideally frames the eyes That's about it though I hope to hear from one of you soon ^___^
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