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  1. and how can I do that? just wondering how to do that. thanks
  2. I don`t want make a casino. It`s a game where people can win money. like you say game of chance. hmm...If I make a store to make some money to me it`s ok but if I want make a simply game it isn`t. it`s just a game. It is their decision if they want to play or not. Hope you understand what I said here. I`m not so good at english
  3. I want to open something where everybody can gambling. they pay a very small price and they can win a lot.something like that and another thing. it is posible to do that?
  4. NicolaeCristian


    I am interested in opening a business in this game.But I have not found how to do that. You do not have the category I want to develop.please help me with this problem. I am willing to make a partnership with you.Thanks!I 
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