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Everything posted by Symphicat

  1. That is exactly what I want. Thank you! It was there all along, huh! 😅
  2. I've been wrestling with this for a little bit and I think it's just my math that's insufficient for performing the task. Basically I just want to make my number outputs legible for the end user. Basic stuff like 1000000 -> 1,000,000 and such, things I just normally have to do one function call for in other languages. Learned the hard way that my regex (\d)(?=(\d{3})+$) can't actually be used in LSL as it doesn't support it, so after failing to Google implementations & finding anything on the forums and wiki, I turn to you for help. Does anyone have a working solution for this? Or know of any built in function that I may have missed? Would really appreciate it!
  3. Hey, thanks to you both! I learned a lot and the script provided works wonders! Thanks <3 I've one more inquiry though; is it possible to have a version that affects a whole linkset as well?
  4. Hey! I'll try and jump straight to the point: I can't code. I've been trying to make a script that listens to a numeric valuable given to it in the /1 channel with the keyword "energy". The lowest possible value being 0 & the highest possible value being 100. I want this script to do the following: automatically set full bright on an object, and the glow value to 0.23, and then lower the Glow value for every time I subtract the "energy" value by 25, so that when the "energy" value hits zero, Glow is at 0.00 and full bright is turned off. However, I also want full bright to be on the moment the "energy" value is 1 or higher. My attempts failed, I am not good enough for it. My script wasn't even remotely what I was looking for, so now I'm asking for some help! Does anyone have a script like that for me to study, mod & use, or know about a script that would suit my needs? I would honestly prefer to be able to see the code so I can learn from it if you do <3 Peace!
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