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Margot Mynx

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Everything posted by Margot Mynx

  1. One style I've been wishing for is NYC/brownstone! Fenced in yards with foliage between lots to provide privacy. Rooftops for gardens/ BBQ/stargazing/etc. An SLRR subway system and a more city-block style layout of plots and roads for cruising in my car. Maybe some city parks/ponds and cafes, and interesting landmarks dotted around the map. Sadly I don't have the artistic skills to draw it out for you, but maybe someone else does! 😊
  2. Like the title says, I keep getting stuck in Object View when teleporting. I get the magnifying glass with plus sign cursor, can't move with arrows or WASD, only rotate my camera, zoom, or go into mouselook with 'M'. From what I've seen, it's when I teleport after clicking a slurl from an external website (I haven't seen it happening when teleporting within SL itself). It originally happened in the Firestorm viewer, but I was able to recreate it in the official LL viewer as well. I disabled RLV, and detached anything that even could have possibly had RLV scripts in it. People have suggested it may be a mesh attachment I have on, but I can't possibly figure out what it might be. I've used the same mesh bodies/heads/clothing for ages and never had this problem. I've tried shift+esc to exit object view to no avail; the only way I can get out of it is to hit 'M' for mouselook and literally spam keys on my keyboard until I see myself move in first person, only THEN can I get back into third person view and move with WASD. Someone also suggested that it might be a sticky alt key on my keyboard, but if that were the case I'd be getting stuck in object view all the time, not only after I TP. Does anyone have any insight or ideas on what could be causing this? I going a little bit insane trying to do my weekend shopping only to get stuck every few teleports. Thanks in advance!
  3. I currently have a positive balance on my account, however when I try to purchase a demo for 0 L$ I get an error message that states "Buy objects failed because you don't have enough L$." I have tried both the Firestorm and Second Life viewers, and got the same error both times. I had no problem making purchases yesterday. Anyone have any insight on this? Thanks in advance!
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