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Kyrah Rosewood

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Everything posted by Kyrah Rosewood

  1. I'm using the default SL viewer and my 'Received Items' folder is nowhere to be found (it's not in the regular folder list nor the bottom of the panel and search yields no matching results). I've used it previously and now marketplace purchases essentially disappear seemingly into oblivion because I cannot access them (again search does not work). I've lost real money here so my patience is getting thin. I essentially cannot use marketplace at all anymore and some sellers only post their wares there. I've tried clearing my cache as well and restarting the client. No similar threads on here have offered advice that have helped resolve the problem :( This seems like a very seriously bug that tech support should address. What can I do to fix my avatar? EDIT: It looks like I can't respond to my own question. I ended up reinstalling the viewer and then purchasing a freebie demo from the marketplace. As it turns out, it looks like my 'Received Items' folder got stuck 2 levels down into other folders. Not sure how that happened or why it wasn't responding to searches, but maybe the fresh install helped resolve that. Thank you for your quick responses! I do appreciate :)
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