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Davlos Karsin

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Posts posted by Davlos Karsin

  1. 16 hours ago, Qie Niangao said:

    The thing is, I've been to Sansar, and for me it's Second Life with all the fun stripped out.

    You're right. Strictly in technical terms, Sansar is better than SL in almost every way, but it's so sterile. SL is more fun and people would put serious money into it because of the freedom it allows.

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  2. Hi,

    This isn't a question about poor performance, but on the contrary. In not too many words, I have an i7-6700k and GTX 1080, so I have no performance problems to speak of. I recently bought a 144hz monitor and I'd like to see what I can do with Second Life and to see how many frames I can get out of it per second. Are there any commands or configs that I should know of?

  3. This was a fresh install to my PC with no pre-existing viewers.

    I installed the default Viewer 2.0 and there was an error message which popped up demanding me to fix slplugin.exe. I wasn't able to get past the TOS wall until I downloaded Radegast to get past it, and when I entered I couldn't conduct Searches, could not see profiles. I'm basically handicapped now.

    Can someone please help me out with this? I have Windows Firewall off now, and Microsoft Security Essentials is off, too. I've also tried to set slplugin.exe to Win95 Compatibility but doesn't seem to have helped with anything. 

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