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  1. Thank you one and all for your help. I got the issue solved by a work around. Made the emitter go to the target and always just emit back to user to get the same basic desired effect. Thank you once again.
  2. Ok I think i understand. But then by that note can one use the ||LinkParticleSystem script where the emitter is defined as an avatar as a work around? I know I have seen it somewhere before as something like a targetted black hole effect.
  3. Hey there everyone. I have been playing around with particles the last few days and im rather stumped on a certain effect I see sometimes. When I make a particle prim I can make it flow towards me with little to no effort. However I cant seem to figure out how to, say, select a target avatar and make the particles flow from them back to me or a target prim. Does this require a temp rezzed prim or something? Any help for my curiosity would be greatly appreciated with cookies.
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