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Randome Bingyi

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Everything posted by Randome Bingyi

  1. I know I'm a bit late to the party on this, but I'm hip deep in a video project that requires fairly accurate lip sync. And seeing how long it's been since this topic was addressed, I'm guessing that a decent solution has not been suggested. The ONLY time I've ever seen accurate lip sync in Second Life is from videos by the creator of the Black Dragon viewer: From what I can tell, his lip sync is nearly dead on. I'm not sure if it's the Black Dragon viewer itself, the settings in the viewer, the computer he's using, internet connection or just a really powerful graphics card. I've tried reaching out to him, but he has yet to respond. Now, if you have After Effects, one thing you might try doing is using Auto Lip Sync from mamoworld.com. It's a bit on the...goofy side, but it works. But then again, lip sync for "Robot Chicken" is pretty cheesy, but doesn't take away from the show.
  2. For a couple of weeks now, I've had 3 messages in my inbox on mysecondlife, and despite cleaning out the messages, it still shows I have 3 messages. Is there a way to get this reset or do I need to contact LL about this?
  3. Both I and other avatar live in United States (they reside in TX).
  4. Thank you very much. I honestly don't want this other avatar banned, but I don't like being threatened with that action myself. Will report this later tonight.
  5. Can you tell me where to do that / who I need to talk to about this?
  6. Also, I have heard from friend in SL, the avatar in question previously knew their son was aware of what was going on in SL, possibly exposing them to mature material in SL, as well. And as I said, I was not aware of any of this until after the fact.
  7. Ok, here's the situation. An alt of mine was with another avatar, intimately, recently (1am SL time on 9/12/11). The other avatar was of legal age when I originally met them. However, the following day, this avatar informs me that it was their 17 yr old son instead of them at that time, but there was no indication in our original dialog that it wasn't anyone but the RL adult in charge of the avatar. Now they are threatening to have me banned from SL because of this. Should I be concerned about this, even though they have no proof other than their word, as far as I know of? And if I do get banned, what recourse do I have? File RL child endangerment and false entrapment charges? Any help in this is appreciated. Randome
  8. Ok, here's the situation. An alt of mine was with another avatar, intimately, recently (1am SL time on 9/12/11). The other avatar was of legal age when I originally met them. However, the following day, this avatar informs me that it was their 17 yr old son instead of them at that time, but there was no indication in our original dialog that it wasn't anyone but the RL adult in charge of the avatar. Now they are threatening to have me banned from SL because of this. Should I be concerned about this, even though they have no proof other than their word, as far as I know of? And if I do get banned, what recourse do I have? File RL child endangerment and false entrapment charges? Any help in this is appreciated. Randome
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