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  1. Thank you all for the confirmation. At present the idea is that a user interacts with one object to receive a notecard, which they are directed to drop onto another object. I needed some way of attaching the user's UUID to that notecard, and at the moment the best approach seems to be enabling llAllowInventoryDrop when somebody sits down, and disabling it when they stand. There's still the possible issue of somebody else coming along after dropping has been enabled and putting their own card in, but I suppose this is as good a workaround as any.
  2. To be brief, it would be extremely helpful to have access to the key/name/etc. of a user who is dropping inventory into an object. My initial searchings and ponderings have not produced a foolproof workaround, so as far as I'm aware there's still no non-hackey way of answering the 'this person gave this thing to this object' question. I've already come up with a few tentative fixes (i.e. save the UUID of the last toucher, sense the nearest person, only enable item dropping when somebody is sitting on the object, etc.), all of which are prone to interference from other users. Any input on other ways in which I can limit interaction to a single person (aside from rezzing a box to block it from access) would be appreciated. Still, the best solution would be enabling llDetected functions for use with 'changed'. It may be due to my ignorance of the finer points of SL's security and inner workings, but I can't see why these two things shouldn't work together.
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