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Everything posted by ErynnClover2

  1. I absolutley do not have a premium account, but im being billed 10 dollars US randomly by LL. I dont get anything special, no more lindens or lad or a crapy little pixel home I just get charged...for doing nothing. Is this a thing?
  2. So I had a big night of shopping as per usual lots of mesh items. I put on some mesh pants mesh shoes mesh hair and a mesh top. they all worked fine spent about 5 hours in them I went to relog come back and I have triangles all over my avies head and on on the chest the pants are fine the shoes are fine. I tp home take off all my clothes and put them back on, hair error, shirt error. try a different hair by the same maker, mesh, works fine. different mesh top, works fine. did I do something wrong? I use firestorm. can anyone help trouble shoot or give me some answeres as to how to fix this? Thank you Erynn Firecaster
  3. See what you're saying is totally right, because you're into keeping healthy and the 500lb man obviously is not, you would have to think "What do we have in common?" that's the bases of a relationship. If in sl you guys met in a group for rock music and you had the same taste in music then that would be something that you have in common and maybe a reason why you liked him, or maybe he is really a nice guy, but you can't just say looks don't matter. Maybe if you yourself were 500lbs and had no teeth you might connect. But the fact is looks DO matter, its animal instinct telling us what good genetics the other person has so that your offspring aren't mutated monsters. Ima Rang wrote: Jo Yardley wrote: Send someone an ugly photo showing someone else sounds like a great plan to check if the other party is shallow and cares about appearance too much. So one persons dishonest act to determine shallowness, is more acceptable that of the other persons dishonesty to prevent crushing someones self-esteem? I don't think it is shallow for someone to say, I'm not physically attracted to you. I am very into fitness, and healthy eating and appreciate a well taken care of smile, I can imagine that if a man that I was interested in sent me a pic and he weighed 500 lbs and had but a single tooth in his face, that while I might want to keep him as a friend and continue to enjoy the parts of our connection that were appealing, I could not and should not have to look past issues that are physically and sexually unappealing in order to be considered a person of depth.
  4. This is tough, when I read this I first thought, man up and tell her! Sure her feelings might get hurt but at least you don't have to go months with her stalking you, and plus she probably knows what's up. If before that the two of them were shagging every damn day and after he got her picture the shagging stopped and he didn't want to spend as much time with her, then I feel she would probably know. Plus people shouldn't get so butt hurt over what people think you look like and if they find you Hawt or sexy. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, if that person things you aren't attractive, move one, but don't go crazy and create a hate group. However, Im in a similar situation, or at least I could be. My partner and I have become extremely close and enjoy what the other has to bring into the relationship, we aren't exclusive in RL because RL is RL sl is sl, yaddah yaddah, if I got the 10k to ship myself over to the UK I don't know that I would so quickly just to be with him ANYWAY! I was talking with a friend and she and I talked about this. I know Im attractive and many guys and girls find me attractive, so no skin off my back if one person didn't think so. But if I saw him and he was Pounds and goofy looking I don't think I can have the same relationship. Humans are very visual, the reason we are sexually attracted to one type or the next is because our animal instinct is telling us "This person is a good mating buddy, have many babies with them" why do we not find 400lb men with goofy faces attractive? Because the animal instinct in us tells us that that's bad genetics. So Even I, a female have some visual needs. And Like wise if he didn't find me attractive, it wouldn't kill me, because I know Im pretty I feel pretty, more power to the haters etc. So Like I said its tough on one hand you want the guy to just tell the girl and you want the girl to not get so but ass hurt, but I know many women who are my friends and I've said "Man your sl boobs make you look a little thick" (not obese or fat or lard ass) 'thick' and they've totally gone nuts over that little itty bitty thing. So tough question, tough answers I guess case by case right?
  5. I changed my name from ErinClover2 to just Erynn Clover, but in chats and IMs I'm still Erynn Clover Resident. How might I change this? Update: Thank you both for answering. I use the latest of Pheonix and sometimes firestorm, never V2.
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