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Reinard Eberhardt

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Posts posted by Reinard Eberhardt

  1. Basically after I upload the *.dea file I delete the corresponding *.slm file.  I have downloaded the latest LL and Catznip Viewer. Not to mention others on at least 6 other computer systems two versions of Maya etc and followed the same procedure on all.  (this involves exporting and uploading the model on all machines) Yet the issue still persists.

    However on all machines tested I noticed the following on the LL clients: Disable basic shaders and mesh displays fine, enable them and the mesh is bjorked, however this doesn't apply to Catznip, and yes I did allow friends to upload and test the mesh for themselves on the standard and Catznip client, same exact issue.

    I think there's something seriously wrong with the graphics portion of the LL client and how it deals with complex mesh objects

  2. To say that I'm frustrated is an understatement. Why on earth would one viewer, Catznip render rigged mesh correctly at various detail levels on various computers with vastly different hardware configurations? (AMD, NVIDIA, INTEL)


    However when upload the mesh on the standard client, phoenix, and firestorm and so on it encounters random weighting issues. For example the right arm's weights are partially ignored, or it displays correctly in preview, but as soon as you attach it to the AV it fails dismally. Or issues are completely random and do not make any logical sense. I havegone as far as ensuring that UVs are completely symmetrical, downgraded OpenCollada from 1.4 to 1.2, nothing, re-applied skinning, used the default rig and so on…

    Why is it that Catznip pulls this off flawlessly and others not? (http://wiki.catznip.com/index.php?title=Catznip_Second_Life_Viewer)

    (I will upload screenshots later)


  3. I have been havign the same issues as of late.  This all started when I updated my computer and its software.. namely Maya and OpenCollada.  

    It works fine on Catznip on 3 completely different different computers from i5 with nivdia , intel amd and so on graphics , but on nothing else. ONLY the right arm is affected and I experience random mesh upload issues, on the same files. I've gone so far as to reskin and re-rig models , but to no avail --- 

  4. Thanks ^^ Okay so I'll give it a try later tonight. Basically parenting bones or sets directly to mXxx bones on the existing rig taking care to ensure that the joint orientation scheme remains the same. Animation/pose data can then be exported to SecondLife...

    Lets rig and animate a face! xD

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