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Matilda Ravinelli

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Everything posted by Matilda Ravinelli

  1. I am writing again because today I tried to download your SL Viewer, Dolphine and Firestorm all but when I try to connect the error message is this: LOGIN FAILED. DNS could not resolve the host name. Please, verify That you can connect to the "www.secondlife.com" web site. If you can, but continue to receive this error, please go you the support section and report this problem. Only with "Imprudence" I can get. My computer has always worked with the old SL and has all the system requirements right. Thank you. Matilda Ravinelli
  2. Matilda Ravinelli


    I am writing again because today I tried to download your SL Viewer, Dolphine and Firestorm all but when I try to connect tells me that is not possible. Only with "Imprudence" I can get. However, I took the picture of the message that I get. If it is useful I will send. My computer has always worked with the old SL and has all the system requirements right. Can you help? Thank you. Matilda Ravinelli
  3. Matilda Ravinelli

    Log in

    Why Firestorm Viewer Release and SL will not let me log? help me please, thank you Matilda Ravinelli
  4. Il mio avatar rimane nuvola. gli altri mi vedono ma io no. Aiuto!!! Matilda Ravinelli
  5. Matilda Ravinelli

    Help me

    Hi, I have a problem: I can not upload my avatar, just arrive on cloud anywhere else ever. It never Tanks
  6. Sto provando da tanti giorni ad inserire la mia nuova carte di credito prepagata. Ho scritto più volte a SL che mi ha gentilmente risposto. Ho seguito tutto quello che mi hanno scritto, ho provato ad inserire la carta di credfito con Firefox, con Chrome, con Explorer, con Opera e con Safari, ma non mi accetta. Faccio presente fhe questa carta di credito la uso sempre su internet per acquisti o giochi. Come devo fare???
  7. I'm trying to put all of my credit card information but a message tells me:: Sorry, your payment failed. Please check your payment details and try again. Can you help me??? thanks Matilda Ravinelli
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