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Dago Heron

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Everything posted by Dago Heron

  1. Dago Heron

    file log

    Dear Valerie, someone use my Account/Avi, but not my computer. And .. I dont use Second llife viewer, I use firestorm. What I need is the list of P address used saturday Cheers
  2. Dago Heron

    file log

    Hello Yesterday talking with a friend I learn that someone during the week end use my account/avatar. No particular probelm, only disturb some friend, but I will ask you if is possible receive by mail copy of the file log to understand who could be that use it. In the mean time obviously I change all my psw. My email address is dago.heron@gmail.com thanks in advance Dago
  3. Hi SUki the fast way to solve it for me was make a clean unistall of phoenix viewer and re install all ! good luck
  4. Thenks Valerie for your help I follow your suggestion increasing the value till 500 without changes. To solve the problem I make a clear unistall, deleting all the phoenix folders and then install again the viewer. Thanks
  5. Hi all I have trouble with a friend using Lola's Tango. When we start to play I have no problem, but 2 days ago, we start to have probelm. I see instead her lola's tango breast 5 pyramind (script error) and I cant see them, but can touch and open lola's tango menu. This problem she have only with me, and I notice today that if I change gorup, the script error show again. Can someone give me some suggestion how to solve this stupid problem ? Thanks in advance Dago
  6. Hello, I take a hud to try it, but once I "dress" it, cannot remove now. Someone can help me ? I try in different way but the remove/undress is not 'allowed' TA
  7. Hello today I try to obtain my free house as premium member but this is the message I receive back We're Sorry... It appears that your account is past-due, or that you currently have outdated/no billing information on file. Please update your billing information and try again. Secondlife.com | My Account Billing information are OK and I am not past-due ... Can you help me ? TA DAgo
  8. probably I was not clear ... I am not a newbee ... I have no problem with my inventory someone change my password, enter in my account and reset ALL .... Need help from someone of secondlife to go back to my situation of 24 hours ago! I not something I can do from my pc ... But the risk is that I am not the only one could be under attack and ... is so easy to force password of SL ??? there is people could loose a lot of money
  9. Hello today I find in my inbox and email from no-reply@secondlife.com that inform me about the succesfull change of my password. I was able to reset my password and enter in SL checking what happen. No problem on money side, but ALL my inventory, including friend list was reset .... can someone help me ? Thanks for the help Dago
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