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Posts posted by LexiTruth

  1. Hi Technical :smileysad: I am having a problem with my Draw Distance Setting . Meaning if I don't keep it below 28 max. ! , I can not function in MOST places. I am not sure how to correct this so I can enjoy a view and function , within reason of lag etc ,

    I have an account in another avatar life and with the same camera settings I have no loss of control. Smooth sailing. It used to be the case for me in SL. I miss it.

    Can you help me ? Do I need to submit a ticket , not sure what that is . Thanks , will hope to hear good news soon , LexiTruth Resident


  2. Hi : )  The selection direction arrows in editing mode are in the sky above me and out of reach with any of my attempts to return them to earth failed . Any solutions ? Regardles of how I move the viewer screen with camera there is no difference so objects go in the ground , air or far away . Editing clothes is not even an option at this time also . ty Lexi

  3. Hi Venus , ty for your answer. I have had the Display name for several weeks now. I also have been unable to access the Cloud Cover option in Environment manager since I set new WindLight for new skin . Any other info you have would be appreciated . : ) It's just really odd ya know . Everything else checks out fine . Do you know of some reason that LL or Phoenix would deny access ??




  4. I noticed I have lost my Display name when I logged in . All my preference settings are accurate , yet I am unable to access the Display page from the View menu . The* word* Display is faded and unaccessible. Any insight ?

    Wednesday ,Sept 7 , 2011 @ 4:48 EST  ty , Lexi  

    PS I have also lost my friends list !

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