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Ellinor Hurricane

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Everything posted by Ellinor Hurricane

  1. Rent it today (17-aug) and price is 6600/week no promo, price stays EM rights, no covenant Contact Ellinor Hurricane inworld
  2. Im giving a promo price on this one. 4000L$ for 4 weeks, then 4750L$/week Just tell me you saw this ad and you get the promo price.
  3. 1/4 3750 prims Residental parcel Beautiful landscape (You are not allowed to return/change dividerwalls) You may do however u want as long as its reasonal build to the environment. Terraform is allowed (just stay away from the walls) 4750L$/week http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sea%20Lakes/203/55/22 Any questions contact Ellinor Hurricane
  4. I am still looking Please contact me inworld if you plan to rent it. Ellinor Hurricane
  5. 1/4 Homestead 937 prims Adult Residental 1895L$/week 5% discount on 4 week payments Full parcel rights Pay first week and get 1 week for free To get the free week, IM "forum" to Ellinor Hurricane http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Mount%20Whitney/193/192/49
  6. 1/2 Homestead 1875 prims 3499L$/week for 4 weeks then 3799L$/week Residental, Adult Sand http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Mount%20Whitney/135/200/22
  7. You get EM rights No covenant Select terrain, rating etc yourself 16,999L$/week price stays! Available today! Contact Ellinor Hurricane inworld
  8. EM rights, no covenant 3750 prims 6500L$/week for 4 weeks After promo: 6799L$/week Contact Ellinor Hurricane inworld.
  9. Homestead: 1/2 sim, 1875 prims, 3599L$/week (price stays) Residental, sand, terraform allowed, no temprezzers You get full parcel rights (can rent both 1/2 for 6899L$/week, EM rights, no covenant) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Salomon%20Beach/158/200/49 1/2 sim, 1875 prims, 3599L$/week (price stays) Residental, sand, terraform allowed, no temprezzers You get full parcel rights (can rent both 1/2 for 6899L$/week, EM rights, no covenant) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Salomon%20Beach/42/43/49 Full sim: 1/2 sim, 7500 prims, 8975L$/week (price stays) Commercial, grass, terraform allowed, no temprezzers (there is a current renter there that wished to have water level a bit lower until this land will be rented, as soon as you rent water level will be setup to normal) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Light%20Heaven/132/194/49 Contact Ellinor Hurricane inworld for further questions
  10. **** RENTED **** But we can probably arrange something for the persons that is looking. Ellinor Hurricane Inworld
  11. Are you tired of having your grandfathered sim, but you dont want to loose the 195 monthly price? Rent it to me, im a long term renter. If the price is right i rent it immideatly. Ellinor Hurricane inworld.
  12. EM rights and no covenant. NO promo price. Contact Ellinor Hurricane inworld
  13. Sim is now grass http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Light%20Heaven/127/184/33
  14. Two 1/2 sim parcels on the same sim for rent. 9000L$/week, 7500 prims, mature Commercial use is allowed. You get full parcel rights and price stays, no promo. The first renter gets to choose sand or grass texture. Possibilities to upgrade to full region rental for 17750L$/week Location: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Light%20Heaven/160/188/23 If you have any further questions contact Ellinor Hurricane inworld.
  15. Was a little missunderstanding. Price is 1749L$/week for 4 weeks and then 1900L$/week after promo Whole homstead is 7399L$/week with 5% discount on 4 week payments.
  16. Regiontype: Homestead Area: 16.384sqm Prims: 937 Promo for 4 weeks: 1749L$/week Price after promo: 2099L$/week with 5% discount on 4 week payments (after promo) - Residental region - No clubs, stores, business of any kind - Terraforming allowed up to 35m - Ban lines allowed - Security orbs allowed - NO temprezzers of any kind - NO harassment of neighbours - Keep reasonal build to environment North west parcel: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Mount%20Whitney/63/222/23 North east parcel: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Mount%20Whitney/198/212/24 South west parcel: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Mount%20Whitney/75/71/24 South east parcel: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Mount%20Whitney/179/72/23 If you wish to rent the whole region it is 7399L$/week with 5% discount on 4 week payments.
  17. Willow Winds, commercial, grass, mature 1/4 sim parcel, 3750 prims, cornerlot. 4900L$/week with 5% discount on 4 week payments. 8192sqm parcel, 1875 prims, waterfront 2799L$/week with 5% discount on 4 week payments. 4096sqm parcel, 937 prims, waterfront 1499L$/week with 5% discount on 4 week payments. Gigli Lost Reef, Commercial, sand, adult 8192sqm parcel, 1875 prims, waterfront 2799L$/week with 5% discount on 4 week payments. Enchanted Island, Commercial, grass, mature 1/4 sim parcel, 3750 prims, double waterfront 5250L$/week with 5% discount on 4 week payments. 8192sqm parcel, 1875 prims, waterfront 2799L$/week with 5% discount on 4 week payments. 4096sqm parcel, 937 prims, waterfront 1499L$/week with 5% discount on 4 week payments.  Sunset Island, Commercial, grass, mature 4096sqm parcel, 937 prims, waterfront 1499L$/week with 5% discount on 4 week payments. Somerset Island, Commercial, grass, mature 1/4 sim parcel, 3750 prims, double waterfront 5000L$/week with 5% discount on 4 week payments 8192sqm parcel, 1875 prims, waterfront 2799L$/week with 5% discount on 4 week payments.  Windsor Willows, Residental, sand, mature 1/4 sim parcel, 3750 prims, double waterfront 4000L$/week PROMO 4 weeks then 5000L$/week and 5% discount on 4 week payments (Not promo prices) 4096sqm parcel, 937 prims 1300L$/week with 5% discount on 4 week payments. Gigli Lost Reef, Residental, sand, adult 8192sqm parcel, 1875 prims, double waterfront 2689L$/week with 5% discount on 4 week payments. 8192sqm parcel, 1875 prims, waterfront 2600L$/week with 5% discount on 4 week payments. Gigli Commerce, Commercial, grass, mature 1/4 sim parcel, 3750 prims, double waterfront 4900L$/week with 5% discount on 4 week payments. On all our parcels you are allowed to terraform (up to 30 meters without contacting management) Ban lines is allowed Full parcel rights - custom media on land, group owned land possible, security orbs etc Landscaping help. Choose to pay 1-4 weeks No premium account needed. Free rent transfer within McMasters Estates 24/7 support Contact any of us at our mainoffice for more info http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/McMasters%20Estates/153/109/23 Ellinor Hurricane Administration Manager McMasters Estates
  18. Homestead for rent, 6799L$/week Pay for 28 days and its 6500L$/week (26000L$) EM rights Contact Ellinor Hurricane inworld.
  19. Full prim, 15000 prims EM rights. No covenant do whatever u want! CONTACT: Ellinor Hurricane http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Dooley/58/52/22 TIER OFFICE: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Enchanted%20Island/36/147/2001
  20. Full region for rent, EM rights and no covenant, apply your own rules. PROMO first 4 weeks, 15000L$/week and 16500L$/week after promo Contact Ellinor Hurricane http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sea%20Breaze/102/123/22
  21. McMasters Estates is looking for Sales Agents! Do you want to help residents find their new home? We are now hiring 2 sales agents! What we are looking for? * Minimum 60 days old in SL * Real Estate experiences * Be available 2 hours/day or 10hours/week at minimum We do apply a 4 week evaluation period for new employee's. IM Ellinor Hurricane or send a notecard if Im offline or not available. If you send a notecard following information needs to be added: SL Name: SL Birthdate: SLT available: Experience: Languages spoken: A little about yourself:
  22. 15000 prims, EM rights. 16500/week NO PROMO Contact Ellinor Hurricane inworld
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