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Posts posted by dude434

  1. Thanks for the quick post,

    I tried everything but still same result after installing a fresh copy.

    The progress bar is stuck on load up screen?

    -deleted appdata SL folder in roaming & local folder

    -deleted only SL files in windows / prefetch folder but not anything else since there are other half life video games files there too???

    -uninstalled & downloaded new SL viewer 


    Any help appreciated.

  2. I have installed the SL viewer on 2 computers.

    Laptop SL viewer is working fine.

    Than I installed it on my newly upgraded with AMD video card,

    & installed version 3 of SL.

    SL viewer worked for 1 day & than the next day I started it again,

    I am stuck on the loading screen where the progress bar comes up & 

    it shows the world scene area/zone loading up status, & it doesn't do anything.

    IT is totally stuck:

    -tried to runas admin

    -uninstalled / re-installed

    -downloaded newer SL v3 viewer & installed

    -upgraded my video card drivers

    -checked for any other driver fixes

    -rebooted several times.

    Same result, any help appreciated?



  3. I know this is a sprite render several hundreds models engine but I would like to find out very minimum spec's for a laptop computer that will be at par with video games like counter strike on steam (ha ha) so the speed can be similiar when using both ?  I know thats not possible but if I increase the video card + ram to latest notebook will SL improve better?  Or what are the basic tweaks I can change in perferances to make it faster ? Thanks.

  4. Hello

    I tried all the possibilities as Marianne asked :

    character test - I don't know how to do this one?

    Skin tab - un selected - okay

    Advanced mode - CTRL + ALT + R  - to reload avatar

    updated graphics card driver for my pc.

    Still the problem persists?  Now I have created a 2nd avatar on using a different registeration & he works fine.

    But the original is still not showing full body or avatar, I tried putting on a 2nd outfit & only then do I get to see the full avatar fully clothed !!!  

    If anyone can go through the character test or the steps that Marianne asked to see where the problem is would greatly appreciate it?

    FYI - don't think its hardware or computer related, don't think its software related, but definitly think its a animation issue which is to do with SL viewer & morphing the charactor, since the 2nd avatar is working fine?  Any help appreciated.

  5. I downloaded the version 3 & still getting same issue?

    I don't have on upper left corner avatar choice in advanced mode?

    If anyone can guide me how to change the sprites or avatar so it can be displayed in full will greatly appreciate it?


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