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Posts posted by EchoRose

  1. Hi all, I have a large skybox rental from Mystical, one of the multiscene rentals in SL, and I'm looking for any suggestions about how to design my living space that doesn't include just rezzing the space and plunking a house down on it. Any creative ideas of what to do with a large empty space that is landscaped and looks kind of like mountains in the background with a rolling river through it?

    Thanks for your input, all is appreciated!


  2. Hi all, 

    This question may have been asked a thousand times before so please forgive the repeat. If a friend goes missing and you suspect illness or worse, will LL do anything to help you contact this person? Yes, it was a good friend and yes, we kept our RLs private so I don't have personal info I can use to locate him or find out if he's ill or something like that. This is NOT a person who would ever ghost me or just drop out of SL and not say a word. I've considered both of those possibilities but that is just not him so I'm ruling that out for now.

    Are there any options other than just waiting and hoping he'll turn up again? He's been gone for over a month (which is completely uncharacteristic of him).


    Thanks for any help you can give me!!

  3. I've been reading this thread with some amusement and some disgust, to be honest.  Carlotta, you've found offensive communities on SL and you're aghast.  Got it.  Where you're completely wrong is that YOU have to suffer this stuff.  Maybe in RL if you stumbled upon an actual club, say something called Misogyne, and someone tried to put a boot down on your head, you'd have a case.  But this isn't RL, this is SL.  And there are places from one corner of SL to the other full of kinks, fetishes, etc. for anyone's tastes.  Do I find some of them outright disgusting?  Absolutely.  But acting like I have no control over whether or not I go to them is me painting myself as a victim, which I am not and neither are you.  The day, thank God, of women as helpless little flowers who need somebody to come and save them are over, in my opinion.  Metaphorically, that's the same thing as somebody coming to save you from degrading advertising.  I am against censorship anywhere consenting adults are and, as an adult in SL, it's your job to save yourself from it.  If you can't do that, it's time to leave SL. 

    As for the quality of some of the men in SL and their degradation of women, I'd hazard a guess that you'll find a similar % of men in RL who hate/fear women as these posers do...some commenting on this very board.  As an intelligent woman, it's your job to weed them out and move past them which is made infinitely easier in SL because you can TP away and never look upon their offensiveness again.

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