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Everything posted by BuddaOnSL

  1. I like the rawness of your reply Bandito. But what other topics can you discuss with the same passion? That is what I was tryng to convey in my last post. Is sex the only universal topic we can easily jump to when around strangers? And oh how I do know about those whose sexual prowess in SL outmatches their RL personna. But I just like you bring my RL personality to the table here in SL. Thanks again for the reply.
  2. Unfortunately sex is a big thing on SL and its a topic you are often confronted with but people forget there are other subjects. I find most of the goups are not so much about chatting then they are established for advertising. Fortunately I am not on SL as a vendor or someone trying to sell their wares. I'm just here for the social aspects. What I am trying to do is build a community of mature and positive minded people inside of SL by skirting the topics of sex and romance and concentrating on building, home and community living, arts, and culture. The diversity that exists in the game, there is great opportunities for such communities to exist.
  3. Thanks for the post. Stop on by any time most evenings http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sahara%20Oasis/226/137/23
  4. Feel free to join our group NippsPoeticNook and stop over to visit with me in world http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sahara%20Oasis/226/137/23
  5. Okay no problem I will send you an IM when I'm in world.
  6. Ha Ha the last thing I want to do is open up a business on SL. I'd rather provide a service at no charge because I cant deal with a paying public and their demands in RL and could imagine it to be worse in SL. But feel free to drop in on my fun zone anytime. No lag on the bumper cars and its loads of fun.
  7. Thanks Leonard I will check Chelsea Hotel out tonight.
  8. I have a slight advatage in that I'm a software professional in RL and these concepts are second nature to me. II hear they have a group called NCI that teaches building classes. BTW thanks for replying.
  9. Hello I'm just a bit over a month old on SL and I find it a very interesting place to be when you're trying to do something different with your time other than spend money. Since I've been on SL I have been at multiple group sponsored functions where they encourage you to spend L$'s. LOL In the beginning I didn't see it as an issue given the exchange rate, but at the end of the day money is money and spending L$'s at parties night after night eventually will add up. Not to mention I have not figured out how to program my dance hud so I can just turn it on and focus on other things, so I'm there watching my avatar from behind doing this dance and that dance and trying to keep up with the music. Right now I'm all partied out and looking for other activities to engage in. I do belong to a poetry troop that is on SL called NippsPoeticNook and there are different events I participate in with that group and I have a hobby radio station in RL that I tried to bring to SL only to discover SL doesn't need another DJ or Radio station. LOL In addition to the above, I became fascinated with building in SL and enjoy it a great deal. In fact a lot of my time has been spend putting properties together. Right-now I have a total of 5 parcels (don't ask why) I am not big into renting but I share my space with friends who need a private space on SL to do their thing. I have a fun zone too with bumper cars, bowling, jetskis, poker, spades, hearts, a dance floor and dj booth for parties. As I write all this down it really sounds like I've done way too much. RL is just a busy. LOL. In general I'm a person who enjoys fun in SL or RL. When I don't get to the city (NYC) I will likely be on SL. If you're looking to meet a fun guy hit me up. P.S.. I'm not into the "Be My Boo" game so please don't approach me with the nonsense.
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