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Posts posted by Majatek

  1. EDIT 2: After trying the Lumiya viewer on a 4G network and doing a synchronised computer and network restart, everything seems to be working again.

    Yesterday I've been getting this error message: "Darn. You have been logged out of Second Life. This region may be experiencing trouble. Please check your connection to the internet."

    I'm using Blackdragon viewer, and every time I try logging in I'm unable to move or sit on in-world objects, but I can teleport to other areas and send/receive messages - until I'm forced to log out with the error message above. It usually takes less than a minute for my viewer to log me out of SL.

    I tried clearing my AppData/Roaming folder, but that didn't fix anything, so I tried installing a fresh copy of Firestorm, but I'm still getting the same issue. Any help would be appreciated.

    EDIT: The computer is a model VN7-593G-75AG Acer Aspire V 15 Nitro running 64 bit Windows 10. The same issue applies to the official viewer. Pinging the server I connect to with CMD results in no lost packets.

  2. I have recently updated a product that has garnered a total of 800+ purchases with the Magic Box system (I will be migrating to Direct Delivery soon, but this is not my primary concern for the moment), but I need to somehow figure out how to distribute the update, free of charge to all my customers that have already bought the item without manually going through my receipts and jotting down the name of each customer.

    No, the item was not in a scripted box to start off, so I can't just flip a "switch", so I need to find another way to do this, but I have no idea how.

    Thanks for any help.

  3. Greetings forum, I've been creating in-world items from prims, textures and such for quite some time now, and I have just found one of my early works of a hangout that my friends and I used to work on back in the days. Problem is all the textures that I uploaded, and then used as textures for various floor textures have been deleted since the time when I decided that I want to work from scratch - I now realize my mistake and that I want to rework that hangout that I had (I still have it as a cluster of editable prims that are fullperm as set by myself, luckily) but I don't have the textures to do it with.

    Thankfully I keep text files of references with UUID's and other details (I've always been someone who keeps track of records and such just in case something like that happens). Is there a way to download/save to desktop those textures of the UUID's? I can still use the textures just fine, but they are outdated and I would like to rework them, and the only way I can view them are in SL but in a low-resolution square of the texture preview window. I would like to download them and then rework them in Photoshop.

    Thanks for any help.

  4. About a year ago (or so) I decided to set up a shop, and decided that the best items to sell would be cheap gaming related ones - Such as Team Fortress 2's bonk cans.

    This is all fine and good, but I have recently recieved a message from a certain user (who I will keep anonymous) who also has a shop, with ideologies much like mine - He has also created items such as Team Fortress 2's bonk cans.

    The problem is that he thinks that I have stolen my work from him, as evident by the following chatlog:

    Imageshack image (click me!)

    What's sad is that he is deadset on the "fact" that I have stolen items from his marketplace, and then put them into mine. I worry about this because he could legitimately file a complaint due to how similar our two designs are, and label mine as "theft of his work".

    All that I want to do is to make sure that neither of us are hindered by copyright laws and that we are still allowed to distribute items from another game through Second Life, as well as the fact that I really don't like the prospect of being banned a good thing since I did nothing wrong.

    Thanks for any help :)

  5.  If you can't see it immidiately in your inventory, I advise you to search a keywoard, and if that fails, go to the Second Life Marketplace, and try finding out the name of who was selling the item behind their shop. IM them in-game, and see if you can ask her (or him) to resend you the item that you bought that you cannot find in your inventory - I have had that problem before, where it won't pop up in my inventory, so I asked the creator to kindly resend it.

  6. Well as I added after editing my previous message, it's really a render glitch, PNG somehow produces Z-fighting issues, which I suspect causes the texture to overlap the floating text. I don't think there is a way that you can get it to "glitch" the render constantly, nor can I say that the glitch would happen on all computers with different graphics cards.

    • Like 1
  7. PNG textures have always provided render clipping problems - If you're wanting to save a texture with transparencies, I advise you to save your work as .TGA files.


    That is of course if you want to fix the problem - PNG's provide clipping issues almost all the time, which is what might be causing the effect.

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  8. I've removed it from the old XStreet SL service, and clicked "Sync Marketplace with Magic Boxes".

    I have noted that in the old XStreet SL service that it at least showed the details of my magic box, it's name, and the xyz position in the sim, along with the sim's name under "Registered Servers", yet it did not show the few items that I have placed in there, nor are those items showing up in the Second Life Marketplace after it told me that I should refresh the page to see the changes (presumably it should have listed a couple of the items that I've put within the in-world prim Magic Box, but nothing happens each and every time I click "Sync")

    What am I doing wrong?



    Just had to rerezz the magic box and click sync.

  9. So I'm only allowed to view items rated "Moderate", but blocks me from viewing them at the same time in the Marketplace?


    So how do I fix this? I've already gone through the age verification process, yet I still can't view items such as a weapon that I would like to gift to one of my friends. Yes, I'm 20, I've set that as my DOB so I shouldn't have any problems there.

    Also, sorry if this is in the wrong sub forum, I saw no other place that matched my problem in terms of related content.

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