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Everything posted by Discy

  1. There are approximately 3 days that every time that I try to enter the SL appears the message "login failed. Unable to connect the simulator" I've tried in various simulators and even the LindenLab own and the same message appears on several computers, could you please tell me what is happening? Thamk You so much
  2. Discy

    banned from land

    Hello ba night, I would take a doubt. It has a land that I try to go, but it appears I'm banished from the land, another friend looked into already banned the land and does not have my name on the land as banned, have some other form of banishment from the land than the traditional?
  3. Hello good morning, I bought a baby clothing in the world last week, but the machine was not delivered, already tried to contact the seller more he did not answer me nor give me back my Lindens, is there any solution for this or do I have to wait for the seller pass me the product? I thank everyone's attention.
  4. Hello good morning, I bought a baby clothing in the world last week, but the machine was not delivered, already tried to contact the seller more he did not answer me nor give me back my Lindens, is there any solution for this or do I have to wait for the seller pass me the product? I thank everyone's attention.
  5. Good morning, I have some doubts regarding donation m² by a particular group: what is the purpose of donating to a particular m² plot? If not made this donation which can lead to SIM belonging to the group. I thank you for your attention.
  6. Good morning, I have some doubts regarding donation m² by a particular group: what is the purpose of donating to a particular m² plot? If not made this donation which can lead to SIM belonging to the group. I thank you for your attention.
  7. Discy

    Land a group for sale

    Hello, I have a question, i put a land for my group for sale and now i think someone buy the land, over the lindens did not fall into my account, have a time limit for the process to be completed?
  8. Discy

    Land a group for sale

    Hello, I have a question, i put a land for my group for sale and now i think someone buy the land, over the lindens did not fall into my account, have a time limit for the process to be completed?
  9. Discy

    Buy abandoned Land

    Hello good morning I want to buy a plot of land abandoned, most do not know how the ticket asking to open up and ask for a review of the ground is very complex. I have a share in this region on the side of this site and became interested enough by neighboring land. How can I do? Below the address of the land http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Loomino/207/44/22 Thank you for your help.
  10. Estou com problemas para postar minhas fotos no feed do meu perfil SL, tem algum lugar nas preferencias que eu consiga alterar?
  11. Discy

    Problems in land

    Hi Rolig Loon, I am the owner of the Land with a 2560m, however suffered an attack of unwanted scripts a few days which made my share much with lag and all that game on the ground is disappearing.
  12. Discy

    Problems in land

    Hello good morning! I'm having trouble throwing things in my field, I put everything disappears. How do I reset the land? http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bobbintail/170/43/30 Thank you --||-
  13. Olá estou com problemas para postar fotos no My Second Life, está acontecendo alguma atualizacão no sistema? Tenho 3 fotos em processamento desde ontem e elas não rodam. Poderiam me ajudar? Obrigada. Discy
  14. Olá a todos, boa noite! Gostaria de saber como posso fazer videos do Second Life? Tem algum programa especifico que temos que instalar no computador ou é algum comando que se usa? A versão do meu vizualizador é Muito grata pela aten cão Dicileny Silva
  15. Todos os meu Objetos foram retornados de um determinado terreno, onde eu sou proprietária. O que pode ter acontecido, sendo que todos os meses tenho feito os pagamentos da minha mensalidade normalmente.
  16. I sold two plots of land in the territory of the lómin, but the lindens of the sale did not come to my account or for the account or my partner could see what happened with the transaction? Thankfully attention
  17. I bought Lindens dollars to more than 48 hours and still did not fall in my SL account, follows the ticket of the transaction: 25/07/2011 03:12:17 - Credit LindeX underpayment for order # 25125472 What do I do? Thanks for helping me
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