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Puddles Button

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Everything posted by Puddles Button

  1. yeah, the Bank has it now, they will go after the guy. I contacted them right after it happened. Lindens have been really decent though, don't know if you ever had dealings with the Concierge Support group, but they are great. Later
  2. Hi, just recently I had an Avatar Hacked to the tune of $100,000 Lindens (Yep, that's like $402 USD). How this was accomplished I have no idea but I can tell you this, I'm not new to SL and have been around for years, Am half owner of Five (5) Sims for a few years now. I am very secretive about my passwords and make them complicated, yet somehow someone who calimed to be associated with a big scripting place in SL which I will not mention because I'm sure they were not aware of this character deeds. Long Story short --- the person somehow gets into your account for just a few seconds, buys $100,000 Lindens from your Card account and then gifts that money to his avatar. (not sure how this part works because it seems they just have to follow the money to find the person). Luckily LL froze that account of mine because they noticed it was a huge sum and I had to then get it unlocked. They say they are going to Credit my Credit card (which hasn't taken place yet. Hopefully that will happen soon. I know none of you out there can afford to be out $400 Dollars during these hard time. (this is not the account that was hacked) So, Just be careful, change your passwords often and make them hard (don't use a BD or any other easy to figure out code) THE THIEVES ARE OUT THERE SO BE ON GAURD AND SAFE !! Thank you Echo Linden for finding that for me.:matte-motes-nerdy:
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