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  1. Ok, thanks for the heads up. I had no idea. ;( Thank you for all that you have done by the way. I certainly appreciate it.
  2. Ok, sorry but i have one more obstacle.. After a person submits the response for one question, the text box says they have submitted. But what if they want to click the object again hoping to get another question and asnwer it? As of now when i try it, one avatar can only answer one question after hitting submit. Thanks
  3. If you can explain the line break thing once more I think I will be set. How do I show one question on more than 1 line of notecard? Thanks,
  4. Im, sorry i got it working!!!! Thank you so much that was a really big help!! A++++!
  5. This looks very good! thank you. I made the note card with questions. But I get a error called lltextbox: must supply a message. My notecard looks as follows. -this is question number 1. -this is question number 2. Thanks,
  6. Yeah sorry but thats too deep for me.. :matte-motes-grin: Big time novice scripter your dealing with here.. thanks,
  7. Also, it really doesn't have to be random. I just would like to have several questions through this method in a object. Thanks!!
  8. Thanks, There will be less than 10 very short questions, all will be open ended and can be answered in less than 250 characters. And it for the questions and answers its ok if it stays in the script. As of now the answers are emailed to 1 recipient. Thanks
  9. Hi, I am very novice at scripting and would really be greatful for a little help. I have started a script that works well, but i want to modify it to ask random questions in a dialog box, instead of just the 1 question at a time that it asks now. Any help would be awesome, and thanks in advance!! Here is what i have now. list cStudents; list submitted = []; integer listener; // make this the question the students will see string question = "Here is question number 1, and this would be question number 2, etc.."; // make admin the teachers name key admin = "avatar name"; // make emailAd the teacher's email string emailAd = "test@gmail.com"; // this will appear in the string course = "Test Class"; emailList() { string msg; msg = llDumpList2String(submitted, "\n\n"); llEmail(emailAd, "Results of "+course, msg); } default { state_entry() { } touch_start(integer total_number) { key clicker = llDetectedKey(0); if(llListFindList(cStudents, [clicker]) != -1) { llInstantMessage(clicker, "You've already submitted"); return; } if(llKey2Name(clicker) == admin) { llInstantMessage(clicker, "Results sent from this picture"); emailList(); return; } integer channel = (integer)llFrand(1000.0); listener = llListen(channel, "", clicker, ""); llTextBox(llDetectedKey(0), question, channel); } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { submitted += [(name + ":\n" + message)]; llListenRemove(listener); llInstantMessage(id, "Recorded \"" + message + "\" as your answer"); cStudents += [id]; } }
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