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Cryo Waverider

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Everything posted by Cryo Waverider

  1. Already had that set to allow list since day 1when i moved into my new premium home but they still entered. I am not entirely sure what else is left to do other than to add a new security feature for the rentable parcel. and as mentioned in my previous post at the start it was set up properly and i have the only access to those security controls
  2. hi; I'm trying to look for some help. I have one of the new 2019/2020 log home types over in the cartwheel sim. Me and my guests just had trolls show up even though the list is set up properly but they still came in. Of course with the house security that comes with the land it doesn't do much in terms of banning or a proper whitelist so i had to manually use the ban list. I am wondering if its be of the "allow anyone on this parcel" checkbox that is causing the issue? unfortunately i can not change this as it appears to be a hard set and i want to turn it off so it would only be those on a list is able to. Is there a work around for this? bc i want to be able to protect not only the land i have but the people i have over. I do not trust the security stuff that comes default
  3. i have read up on the XML thing for a while and im trying to figure out how to export my entire modified av. to blender so i can create a 3D model for animation's and a music cover for my created music content. is there such a way to do that? using firestorm/firefox
  4. when ever i load my sl viewer it send sa crash logger report idk y i never crashed and when it gets to a point of initializeing VFS it just freezes the version is 2.7.2 non beta and i cant use it at all, im useing windows XP home premium, duo core alienware comp and i cant get sl working and ive un installed and reinstalled several times and sl is clear from firewall blockage
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