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BlackDiamond Twine

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  1. Hey everyone! I have been part of this combat system for going on 3 years and I dont think it has had enough publicity as it deserves! CSI= Combat Samurai Island It is the name of the combat system that I use. CSI is played in First person, like a shooter game. Except you spar with a samurai or ninja weapon. While attaining experience and skill at a more interactive level. Like Real-life combat, it depends on reaction-time and mind. There is always some new trick to learn to get ahead in fights! Not only is it completely different and advanced then all other combat systems I have encountered. But the sense of community and family with in the clans that are part of the system hits it home for me. The sims, the people and the experience is what makes this combat system the one for me. Here is the SLURL to a couple places CSI related. http://slurl.com/secondlife/SANADA/90/117/24 http://slurl.com/secondlife/Omi%20no%20Kuni/151/232/22 http://slurl.com/secondlife/Samurai%20Edo/120/191/23 http://slurl.com/secondlife/Japan%20Kansai/90/153/34 http://slurl.com/secondlife/Japan%20Chubu/103/50/22 And Flickr of all the CSI SIMs Thank you to Revan Jinn! http://www.flickr.com/photos/revan-jinn/sets/72157630016700966/with/7155983335/
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