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Everything posted by Resilient

  1. thank you so much everyone, was a great help .. I finally did it.
  2. llRequestPermissions(ToucherID, PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION); llRequestPermissions(llList2Key(gAvKeys,idx),PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION); //llList2Keys(gAvKeys,idx) is the UUID of the chosen partner } } run_time_permissions(integer perm) { if(perm & PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION) /// If your partner accepted ....... { llStartAnimation(llList2String(dances,gChoice)); // This is the particular dance you chose, remember? } well it does work with a single script but the problem as rightly mentioned in the previous post is in synchronization. What should be the logic for a second script or how do the scripts communicate with each other? Any clues..
  3. I click the appropriate box next to my friend's name so she can see where I am on the map but after I logout and log back in the tick mark is no more there. Happens each time, can anyone tell me a permanent fix for this?
  4. I did know that but I was wondering since it was my own avatar do I still need to ask for RequestPermissions?
  5. I just have one final thing with this script that i am stuck with.. after a partner accepts , how do i make my avatar dance as well with the hud script? instead of manually selecting the animation from my inventory tried a few combinations of llStartAnimation but it's not working for me.
  6. aha, did not know about the no_sensor event at all, ty so much, got it working
  7. actually I wear the object that has the script as a hud, so it does not add my name to the list of detected avatars i think what i said is right because when people are near me , and the second dialog box comes , my name is not shown on the buttons so i think my name is never saved to the list gAvNames secondly, if no one is near me ... my logic says it should tell me that "no one is near me" and the second dialog box will not appear either the second dialog box does not appear but the llOwnerSay function is not carried out
  8. was away from SL for a while but came back and played with this script , I added a new thing to it but can you tell me why it is not working , it compiles but does not give me the required output, i made comments at the end of the script where i added the 5 lines of code myself key ToucherID;list dances = ["Dance1","Dance2","Dance3"];integer channela = -10;integer channelb = -20;integer listen_id;string menuText = "Select your target:";integer gChoice;list gAvNames;list gAvKeys; integer z;default{ touch_start(integer total_number) { ToucherID = llDetectedKey(0); listen_id = llListen(channela, "", ToucherID, ""); //Open listen channel first.... llDialog(ToucherID, "Choose your dance", dances, channela); // Then open dialog llSetTimerEvent(60.0); // Set a timer for timeouts } timer() { //timeout llSetTimerEvent(0.0); //Shut off the timer llListenRemove(listen_id); // Kill the open listen handle } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string msg) { if(channel == channela) { llListenRemove(listen_id); // Remove the dialog listener gChoice = llListFindList(dances, [msg]); //gChoice is the position of msg in your list of dances llSensor("",NULL_KEY, AGENT, 50.0, PI ); // Look for a partner (kinda far away.....) } else if(channel==channelb) { llListenRemove(listen_id);// Remove the dialog listener integer idx = llListFindList(gAvNames,[msg]); // Where is the chosen partner's name (msg) in the list of choices? // Gotta ask permission now ........ llRequestPermissions(llList2Key(gAvKeys,idx),PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION); //llList2Keys(gAvKeys,idx) is the UUID of the chosen partner } } run_time_permissions(integer perm) { if(perm & PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION) /// If your partner accepted ....... { llStartAnimation(llList2String(dances,gChoice)); // This is the particular dance you chose, remember? } } sensor(integer numDetected) { gAvNames = []; //Empty these lists of previous information gAvKeys = []; integer i; for (i=0;i<numDetected;++i) { gAvNames += [llGetSubString(llDetectedName(i),0,23)]; //Store truncated names gAvKeys += [llDetectedKey(i)]; //And UUIDs } integer z = llGetListLength(gAvNames); // these are the 5 lines that I added so that if no one is near the hud will say something back to me if (z<1) // it compiles too but it does not say it when no one is near { // llOwnerSay("no one to dance with.");// } // llSetTimerEvent(60.0); // set timer for timeout listen_id = llListen(channelb, "", ToucherID, ""); // Re-open the chat channel llDialog(ToucherID, "Want to dance?", gAvNames, channelb); //Ask partner }}
  9. yes , I did pick up the importance of indenting , making comments and will surely ask when I get stuck again. Thanks for all the help.
  10. key ToucherID;string msg = "Choose your dance";list dances = ["Dance1","Dance2","Dance3"];integer channela = -10;integer channelb = -20;integer listen_id;string menuText = "Select your target:";list avatarsDetected = [ ];list keysDetected = [ ];integer index;integer indexx;default{touch_start(integer total_number){ ToucherID = llDetectedKey(0); llDialog(ToucherID, msg, dances, channela); listen_id = llListen(channela, "", ToucherID, ""); llSetTimerEvent(60);}listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string choice) { if(channel == channela) { if (choice == "Dance1") { llSensor("", NULL_KEY, AGENT, 50, PI); } else if (choice=="Dance2") { llSensor("",NULL_KEY, AGENT, 50, PI ); } else if (choice=="Dance3") { llSensor("",NULL_KEY, AGENT, 50, PI ); } } else if(channel==channelb) { integer index = llListFindList(avatarsDetected, []); if (index != -1) { integer indexx = llListFindList(dances, []); // I know this part is wrong but cant think of how to solve this if (indexx==0) { llOwnerSay("hi"); } else if (indexx==1) { llOwnerSay("bye"); } } } }sensor(integer numDetected){if (numDetected > 2) numDetected = 2;integer nextStep;string nextAvatarName;string nextAvatarKey;avatarsDetected = [ ];keysDetected = [ ];for (nextStep = 0; nextStep < numDetected; nextStep++){ nextAvatarName = llDetectedName(nextStep);nextAvatarKey = llDetectedKey(nextStep);if (llStringLength(nextAvatarName) > 24) nextAvatarName = llGetSubString(nextAvatarName, 0, 23);avatarsDetected = (avatarsDetected=[]) + avatarsDetected + nextAvatarName; keysDetected = (keysDetected=[]) + keysDetected + nextAvatarKey; }llDialog(ToucherID, menuText, avatarsDetected, channelb);listen_id = llListen(channelb, "", ToucherID, ""); }}
  11. key ToucherID;string msg = "Choose your dance";list dances = ["Dance1","Dance2","Dance3"];integer channela = -10;integer channelb = -20;integer listen_id;string menuText = "Select your target:";list avatarsDetected = [ ];list keysDetected = [ ];string zero;string one;default{touch_start(integer total_number){ ToucherID = llDetectedKey(0); llDialog(ToucherID, msg, dances, channela); listen_id = llListen(channela, "", ToucherID, ""); llSetTimerEvent(60);}listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string choice) { if(channel == channela) { if (choice == "Dance1") { llSensor("", NULL_KEY, AGENT, 50, PI); } else if (choice=="Dance2") { llSensor("",NULL_KEY, AGENT, 50, PI ); } else if (choice=="Dance3") { llSensor("",NULL_KEY, AGENT, 50, PI ); } } else if(channel==channelb) { } }sensor(integer numDetected){if (numDetected > 2) numDetected = 2;integer nextStep;string nextAvatarName;string nextAvatarKey;avatarsDetected = [ ];keysDetected = [ ];for (nextStep = 0; nextStep < numDetected; nextStep++){ nextAvatarName = llDetectedName(nextStep);nextAvatarKey = llDetectedKey(nextStep);if (llStringLength(nextAvatarName) > 24) nextAvatarName = llGetSubString(nextAvatarName, 0, 23);avatarsDetected = (avatarsDetected=[]) + avatarsDetected + nextAvatarName; keysDetected = (keysDetected=[]) + keysDetected + nextAvatarKey; }llDialog(ToucherID, menuText, avatarsDetected, channelb);listen_id = llListen(channelb, "", ToucherID, ""); }} I tried my best to combine the 2 listens however I do have two queries 01. How do I extract the detected avatar names as choices for the second time i.e. in channelb 02. How do I match the correct animation(choices for the first time i.e. in channela) to the detected avatar? Any help is much appreciated.
  12. thanks but couldn't there be 2 listen events?
  13. I got stuck again.. cant figure out a way around this key ToucherID;string msg = "Choose your dance";list dances = ["Dance1","Dance2","Dance3"];integer channel = -10;integer listen_id;integer listen_idd;string menuText = "Select your target:";list avatarsDetected = [ ];list keysDetected = [ ];key avKey;default{ touch_start(integer total_number) { ToucherID = llDetectedKey(0); llDialog(ToucherID, msg, dances, channel); listen_id = llListen(channel, "", ToucherID, ""); llSetTimerEvent(60); } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string choice) { if (choice == "Dance1") { llSensor("", NULL_KEY, AGENT, 100, PI); } } sensor(integer numDetected) {if (numDetected > 2) numDetected = 2;integer nextStep;string nextAvatarName;string nextAvatarKey;avatarsDetected = [ ];keysDetected = [ ];for (nextStep = 0; nextStep < numDetected; nextStep++) { nextAvatarName = llDetectedName(nextStep); nextAvatarKey = llDetectedKey(nextStep); if (llStringLength(nextAvatarName) > 24) nextAvatarName = llGetSubString(nextAvatarName, 0, 23); avatarsDetected = (avatarsDetected=[]) + avatarsDetected + nextAvatarName; keysDetected = (keysDetected=[]) + keysDetected + nextAvatarKey; }llDialog(ToucherID, menuText, avatarsDetected, channel);listen_idd = llListen(channel, "", ToucherID, ""); }listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string nextavatarName) //(54,58):Error: Name previously declared within scope ... right after choice{ string zero=llList2String(avatarsDetected, 0); string one=llList2String(avatarsDetected, 1); if (nextavatarName == zero ) { avKey=llList2String(keysDetected, 0); llRequestPermissions(avKey,PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION); }} run_time_permissions(integer perm) { if (perm & PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION) { llStartAnimation("dance1"); } } }
  14. that was dumb of me but I removed the semi colon and it still gives the same error I will make it sandwiched from now on, thanks
  15. I had thought of the same logic too but I had got an error in syntax right before the event sensor, can you help me why i am getting this or my code not working key ToucherID;string msg = "Choose your dance";list dances = ["Dance1","Dance2","Dance3"];integer channel = -10;integer listen_id;string menuText = "Select your target:";list avatarsDetected = [ ];list keysDetected = [ ];default{touch_start(integer total_number){ ToucherID = llDetectedKey(0); llDialog(ToucherID, msg, dances, channel); listen_id = llListen(channel, "", ToucherID, ""); llSetTimerEvent(60);}listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string choice) {if (choice == "Dance1") { llSensor("", NULL_KEY, AGENT, 50, PI);}{sensor(integer numDetected); //line number 26{if (numDetected > 12) numDetected = 12;integer nextStep;string nextAvatarName;string nextAvatarKey;avatarsDetected = [ ];keysDetected = [ ];for (nextStep = 0; nextStep < numDetected; nextStep++){ nextAvatarName = llDetectedName(nextStep);nextAvatarKey = llDetectedKey(nextStep);if (llStringLength(nextAvatarName) > 24) nextAvatarName = llGetSubString(nextAvatarName, 0, 23);avatarsDetected = (avatarsDetected=[]) + avatarsDetected + nextAvatarName; keysDetected = (keysDetected=[]) + keysDetected + nextAvatarKey; }}llDialog(ToucherID, menuText, avatarsDetected, channel);llListenRemove(listen_id); }}} (26,0):Error:Syntax Error
  16. string msg = "What do you want to do?"; list dances = ["Dance1","Dance2","Dance3"]; integer channel=-10; key ToucherID; integer listen_id; default { touch_start(integer total_number) { ToucherID = llDetectedKey(0); llDialog(ToucherID, msg, dances, channel); listen_id = llListen( channel, "", ToucherID, ""); llSetTimerEvent(60); } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string choice) { if (choice == "Dance1") { llDialog(ToucherID, 2ndmenumsg, *(avatarsDetected)*, channel);[this is where I need to detect the avs and make them appear as a list for the 2nd menu] } llListenRemove(listen_id); } else if (choice == "Dance2") {and so on.. 
  17. I have done the first dialog menu with Dance options. I want a sub menu to be formed when I click on any of the options on the first menu showing the names of detected avatars around. Can anyone help me with this?
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