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Lynni Skytower

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Everything posted by Lynni Skytower

  1. How do I file a support ticket new here again and all, have no idea what I'm doing now
  2. I came back to SL just today and when I logged on well, my last name is different for one, instead of rhiadria it's now skytower. Then when I finally logged onto my account all my clothing from previous years were gone, my animations, friends, groups, hell even the body shape and skin tone, all changed, I come back with these, sets of default clothing looking things, and I'm told to select an avatar, I've played off and on for the last few years and usually I come back all my clothing and such is still intact. Now the real problem is I know for a fact I didn't get hacked or anything of the sort, it looks like I was set back to a starter character. For example, I have like 1 friend from back in the day, but nothing else remotely resembles what I had. Is there any issue that could've caused this, if so can I get my character recovered to what it used to be? I've been a resident for 2 years 11 months 1076 days apparently, least that's what the thing says.
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