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Everything posted by CuiLing1

  1. i accidently dleted the wqrong acount a montyh ago how do i reactive it please thank yu also
  2. CuiLing1

    onemore time

    My 1st post was not correct inmy desire to make fashions in sl do i have to make them out of sl then bring them in after i design them or can i make them in sl it gets a lil confusing at times also do i search the web for pictures or are there templates to get in sl i also see after to make a design in photoshop you have to pay 10 l to bring it in also so what im asking is do you have to do that evertime you make something and also how do you box your designs thank you all for your help ps i did pick up gimp and thanks
  3. I want to learn how to make clothes insecond life what kind of software do i need to make clothes and hair and what ever else can someone help me please also so i have to make them out of second life or can i make them in sl plus do i need pictures from the web also orjust deisre my own thank you
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