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florn Auer

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Everything posted by florn Auer

  1. it was a gift that was ment for beta testers...if someone is selling it..your going to bleed your left arm to death to afford it ....and i dont think bloodline pays that much for blood.
  2. I am looking to hire a manager, or ...buisness finder. At a gross rate of 30 percent for any work found. I am a male escort, and finding myself having less tiem to stand for 2 hours about for one possible gig. I would appreciate to be dedicated to one person who is likely good for this task. Any and all work can be done, and again profits are at 30 percent :) Thank you for your time.
  3. I am curoius, as I have seen a bunch of websites do like bleach, naruto, and a bunch of others..for free online. Saying things like support the author buy the hardcover version and all that. Can I upload images and do the same here, like upload a issue of naruto lets say and put it up on marketplace?
  4. Aye, curious on what experiences you may have had that would be interesting towards others to read. As the purpose is roleplay, yet you don't enjoy such;it would limit somewhat available material that's possible to contribute to the desired topic. Done with college classes uhg brain hurt
  5. What experinces, or memories do you have about SL that may be intresting, do you belive to give them to others * sorry quick post class starting*
  6. Good evening, I have a roleplay project, that am looking for folks, that in their own area wouldn't mind maybe blogging about their zone or experiences. If your interested in it, please just leave a message here, right now my sl viewer is having some issues, and i wont be able to get on it for a few days. Thank you :) florn auer
  7. Good evening, I have a roleplay project, that am looking for folks, that in their own area wouldnt mind maybe blogging about their zone or experinces. If your intrested in it, please just leave a messege here, right now my sl viewer is having some issues, and i wont be able to get on it for a few days. Thank you :) florn auer
  8. depends on the nigiht and the crowd , but yes i get good days.
  9. Yep heard that right, Male dancer looking for a job, top notch looking. Skilled with words to draw attetion and not a drama zone. Happy to work most hours and not phinky just as long as am not dancing ina empty place.
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