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  1. This is basically my problems, i've had them once before, but then it somehow got resolved, not sure how.: As a little background info, I am using the Phoenix Viewer, I have an inventory of roughly 19000 items. Problem #1: I log in, nothing at ALL rezzes,I am stuck in void, I cannot move. Sometimes my display name or even group tag shows as ???, after a few minutes; I get logged out of SL. Problem #2 : Some objects rez, mainly immediate area around me, within a 7m radius or so. But i can't move, no one gets my messages, and the same thing happens. i log out. I found that sometimes when I clear my cache, or even restart the router it helps, and I am able to appear normally, work like normally, and go to places I normally go to. But surely this can't be the solution, it shouldn't be neccessary to do this every time, should it? But if i log out from a session that appears fine, the same story of Problem #1 and #2 repeat whenever i try to log in again, and I am either stuck in void, or with some objects rezzing, and then disconnect. I would really appreciate help in this, as I do have a shop to run in SL, and i was actually going to work on stuff this weekend... Half my weekend is now blown away because of this... What may be the cause, is it on my end, or the server ends, is it a bandwidth issue perhaps? Edit: This pretty much depicts the situation: http://i.imgur.com/d5RK3.jpg Edit 2: To try and see wether or not it is a viewer issue i am testing it out on firestorm and Sl viewer. Update: The same problem repeats itself in SL Viewer. Now i have also tried this on firestorm, the same problem persists. i don't get the 10 10 10 issue, but hardly anything rezzes, and i get kicked back out. Edit 3: it works fine with my alt avatsr Glenniderp1, no problems at all, i got a friend of mine to log onto my account Glennikit Resident to disable all my gestures. Still having problems on my original account, how am i ever going to resolve this? >_>
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