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Zombie Warrhol

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  1. Thanks guys, you've been really helpful : D. I feel more confident with uploading objects now. I'll look into Aditi as well. It seems I phrased the chair question in a very confusing way. What I want to know is basically, can you make incredibly intricate objects be a 1 prim object by making it via meshing, even if at times it's, for example, a sphere and a cube joined together in Blender, then uploaded? Since [at least in my experience] with sculpted prims you have to make whatever parts you can, then link them together once they've been uploaded to SL, making it a multiple prim object.
  2. Hello~ I hope this belongs here and not under building/texturing. I'm new to making mesh objects and sculpties and am not sure of the differences between choosing one over the other. What better way to learn than to ask, right? Anyway, I'm not sure if it should it be based on the scale of the item will be or the detail going into it? Also how it affects its rezzing time and loading detail. I dont know if it; Some specific questions I also have are, If you were to make an object, lets say a chair from a sculpted prims that is one prim for the seating part, another for the legs, and a third for a decorative pillow on it. If you were to remake that chair as a mesh, can you join the pieces together to make it be a one prim object with a UV texture instead of a three prim object with one pattern on each? Or do they still need to export each object seperately and link them in SL? Also, what is -generally- considered too many vertices? I made a bed recently with a canopy, bedposts and draping with the vertice count reaching 2k. I dont plan on uploading it as it was just practice, but would that be considered too much? Thanks so much in advance~
  3. Thank you everyone for your replies. I tried clearing my cache and restarting the client but it didnt help, Neither did lowering my distance, shadows, water transparency or anything. D: After that I tried the Debug Menu but couldnt find anything regarding HTTP Textures. (I'm on Beta Viewer 2.0, If it makes a difference.) I did find something called TextureLoadFullRes. I changed it to true and it seems to have fixed it. Thanks again Everyone. : D
  4. I've been making my first skin texture, finally got satisfied with it, and uploaded it. Initially it looks fine in-game, but after a few minutes it gets really blurry and doesnt regain its quality. I made the skin sized 512x512 since I read somewhere that no other sizes work... (Then again, I took a long few-year hiatus so I might be -very- outdated. ._.) Teleporting fixes it for the first few minutes, then it blurs again. I'm wondering, is that normal? Is there any way to prevent it? Or is it just my connection or something. Until this happened I didnt pay too much attention to textures, but I dont recall it ever happening, and It seems no one else can see it either. Thank you~!
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