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Lemmy Kenyon

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Everything posted by Lemmy Kenyon

  1. We have found the issue. Is only a BUG. My friend use the SL Help chat ( he's a premium account), and the operator unlock the AV in 5 minutes Thanks to all Bye
  2. Or Check you Firewall propreties. You have to add an exception into the firewall ( if u have one )
  3. How we can check if the AV is blocked/banned ? TY
  4. The spam filter is ok, no Linden mail are blocked from the antispam, He has already put the linden domain address into the "white list", However also if they froze the AV, the LL must comunicate before !!! For this reason i think that is only a bug.
  5. He already open a ticket. But he doesn't recive any mail from Linden before the "ban".... it's very strange
  6. DMCA again... and again.. and again...
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