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Posts posted by jessiechen

  1. So I wanna build a club and I need land for that . I don't want to rent and I just want to buy it so Its all mine and so I don't need to pay every week or so . I heard that even If you buy it you still have to pay every month wtf ?! 

    Is that true ? 

    If not , how do you buy land permenantly so that Its all mine and no need to cost rent ever again ? 


    Thanks , 


  2. Hi so me and my boyfriend want to make a club . We have a lot of money already , we just need to know how to make it . (Tip jars , pop ups , contests , etc) 

    So I think by writing it will be hard .... And I have lindens so anyone that has a club so know how to , please IM me and If you manage to help us make a club 

    I will pay you if you want . 

    Please IM me if interested 

    Here's my username : 




  3. Hi , so I say your post about hiring models . Well I have been playing SL for a year over . I have had a tons of people compliment my looks . I think I would be a good model , after all I am trying to earn lindens . So please tell me If your interested in me working as a model . Also If you want we can meet person by person to see how I really look like , to see my style , outfits , AO . 


    Thanks , 


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