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Ruby Ormega

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Everything posted by Ruby Ormega

  1. As a frequent shopper... I prefer not to be greeted. I hope this doesn't sound offensive but "greeting" always seems like escorts/dancers in clubs. A pushy kind of commercial. Please just let me browse. If I see what looks like a model, dancing on a small platform maybe, it's hard to tell if it's a live model or a bot. Even if I know it's a live person, I assume anyone called a "model" doesn't know much and is probably just there for show or advertising. So I'm unlikely to ask her a question. If she really does know enough to be helpful, I recommend calling her an Assistant or Staff or Manager instead of model. What I like best are boards facing the entrance with a picture of an avatar on each and a green or red word saying Online or Offline - maybe saying "click to IM for help". A Service desk or Help desk looks good, and can have an Online / Offline indicator for the owner or manager. The nice thing about a service desk is that it implies they are willing to help if required - but only if I wish to actively initiate a conversation. I like that. Of course, all the group joiner boards, subscribers, general info boards, etc, should be in one place, right by the desk if there is one, not spread all over the place. I hope that helps - all pretty obvious really
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