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Kelly Kuroda

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Everything posted by Kelly Kuroda

  1. Ok! Thank you very much for the advice :matte-motes-grin:
  2. Just wondered if anyone could tell me if I can say something in chat that can activate a script in another (willing) person's attachment. Don't want to start down the long path ...with my limited abilities.......if it's not actually possible! Big thank you's!!! :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:
  3. Perfection!!!! Thank you so much Dora!!!!
  4. Hi Guys. Can anyone suggest the best way to make this 8 ball script only answer questions in local chat, that are posed by the owner? I have looked at channels and listeners, but can't seem to make it happen. :(( Thank you :)) //•/•/•/•/•/•/•/Ð/A/M/E/N/•/H/A/X/•/•/•/•/•/•/•/•/•// // basic randomizing of lists, listening for a sentence ending with a ? to trigger random response. // thanks to Polymerase Writer retexturing/rescaling; making it look better than it did =] string Result = "~Magic 8 Ball~"; integer dHandle; integer dChannel = 0;//channel we listen on vector tColor = <0.386,1.000,0.949>;//text color float tAlpha = 1.0;//text alpha float Volume = 1.0;// 0.00 to 1.00 float EffectsDelay = 2.5;//how long(in seconds) to keep particle effects & floating text float tDelay = 0.1;//fade speed of the floating text string OnRezInfo = " How-to/Info; 1. Ask a question that I can respond to with a yes or no answer. 2. Say something in chat that ends with a question mark, like this line you're reading? 3. If the answer seems wrong.. ask if it's lieing ;) Note; I will respond to any question ending with a question mark."; list aList; list Answers = [ //affirmative "As I see it, yes.", "It is certain.", "It is decidedly so.", "Most likely.", "Outlook good.", "Signs point to yes.", "Without a doubt.", "Yes.", "Yes - definitely.", "You may rely on it.", //non-committal "Reply hazy, try again.", "Ask again later.", "Better not tell you now.", "Cannot predict now.", "Concentrate and ask again.", //negative "Don't count on it.", "My reply is no.", "My sources say no.", "Outlook not so good.", "Very doubtful."]; list sList; //play a random sound each time answer is given list Sounds = [ "0dad44ae-60a7-1275-1fec-60d0eb177a35", "27f3bfb2-e973-a67d-d725-dadf4bd36aec", "5b89fff5-6d45-b705-bb93-c5fde97c03a8", "58222dc3-e222-03fe-78ae-703c27f5a051", "aedc24d2-73dd-8e9a-a8cd-134379911863", "8feb5208-9477-2f0c-3660-2c13b922b204", "57934ded-7e33-4a04-3b5c-0d6aa8f0934f", "0f0db9f1-edef-7ed8-dd6c-3d7bc91a0465", "ceaa0705-5ea7-70d2-7e9b-5dfe5d090d20", "66e82ee2-4b74-cf13-3d74-7727f17726b0", "d08e3b76-c749-e112-8152-1862cb114295", "a01d3fca-a3a5-bf8c-6fd0-aa5e91c682f3", "bac77957-e838-6d3e-b9af-89edae882b8b", "812f5aa1-77c4-282d-f698-6e995d9310cc", "2bc60226-2cbf-084d-47d2-8cc665aa0700", "fc2a539f-e72c-07d1-db41-bfff5b320ba7"]; //listen Listen(){ llListenRemove(dHandle); dHandle = llListen(dChannel,"","",""); } FadeTextIn(string R){ integer s = -1; integer e = 11; for(; s < e; ++s){ llSleep(tDelay); llSetText(R,tColor,((float)s/10)); } } FadeTextOut(string R){ llParticleSystem([]);//stop particle effects integer s = 11; integer e = -1; for(; s > e; --s){ llSleep(tDelay); llSetText(R,tColor,((float)s/10)); } llSetTimerEvent(0.0);//stop timer to prevent endless loop } //Particle Params integer effectFlags; integer running = TRUE; integer colorInterpolation = TRUE; vector startColor = <0.310,0.897,1.000>; vector endColor = <0.646,0.811,1.000>; float startAlpha = 1.0; float endAlpha = 0.0; integer glowEffect = TRUE; integer sizeInterpolation = TRUE; vector startSize = <FALSE, 0.04,FALSE>; vector endSize = <0.04, 0.50, FALSE>; integer followVelocity = TRUE; string texture = "b31b25aa-de9a-32d7-7c3d-6cfb997c37ba"; float particleLife = 1.0; float SystemLife = 0.0; float emissionRate = 0.04; integer partPerEmission = 44; float radius = 0.0; float innerAngle = 1.55; float outerAngle = 1.54; vector omega = <0, 0, 0>; float minSpeed = 0.044; float maxSpeed = 0.044; vector acceleration = ZERO_VECTOR; integer windEffect = FALSE; integer bounceEffect = FALSE; integer followSource = FALSE; key target = NULL_KEY; integer randomAcceleration = FALSE; integer randomVelocity = FALSE; integer particleTrails = FALSE; // integer pattern = PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_DROP; // integer pattern = PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_ANGLE_CONE; // integer pattern = PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_ANGLE; // integer pattern = PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_ANGLE_CONE; integer pattern = PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_EXPLODE; //integer pattern = PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_ANGLE_CONE_EMPTY; Particles(){ // Here is where to set the current target // llGetKey() targets this script's container object // llGetOwner() targets the owner of this script // Feel free to insert any other valid key key target = ""; if (colorInterpolation) effectFlags = effectFlags|PSYS_PART_INTERP_COLOR_MASK; if (sizeInterpolation) effectFlags = effectFlags|PSYS_PART_INTERP_SCALE_MASK; if (windEffect) effectFlags = effectFlags|PSYS_PART_WIND_MASK; if (bounceEffect) effectFlags = effectFlags|PSYS_PART_BOUNCE_MASK; if (followSource) effectFlags = effectFlags|PSYS_PART_FOLLOW_SRC_MASK; if (followVelocity) effectFlags = effectFlags|PSYS_PART_FOLLOW_VELOCITY_MASK; if (target!="") effectFlags = effectFlags|PSYS_PART_TARGET_POS_MASK; if (glowEffect) effectFlags = effectFlags|PSYS_PART_EMISSIVE_MASK; //Uncomment the following selections once they've been implemented // if (randomAcceleration) effectFlags = effectFlags|PSYS_PART_RANDOM_ACCEL_MASK; // if (randomVelocity) effectFlags = effectFlags|PSYS_PART_RANDOM_VEL_MASK; // if (particleTrails) effectFlags = effectFlags|PSYS_PART_TRAIL_MASK; llParticleSystem([ PSYS_PART_FLAGS, effectFlags, PSYS_SRC_PATTERN, pattern, PSYS_PART_START_COLOR, startColor, PSYS_PART_END_COLOR, endColor, PSYS_PART_START_ALPHA, startAlpha, PSYS_PART_END_ALPHA, endAlpha, PSYS_PART_START_SCALE, startSize, PSYS_PART_END_SCALE, endSize, PSYS_PART_MAX_AGE, particleLife, PSYS_SRC_ACCEL, acceleration, PSYS_SRC_TEXTURE, texture, PSYS_SRC_BURST_RATE, emissionRate, PSYS_SRC_INNERANGLE, innerAngle, PSYS_SRC_OUTERANGLE, outerAngle, PSYS_SRC_BURST_PART_COUNT, partPerEmission, PSYS_SRC_BURST_RADIUS, radius, PSYS_SRC_BURST_SPEED_MIN, minSpeed, PSYS_SRC_BURST_SPEED_MAX, maxSpeed, PSYS_SRC_MAX_AGE, SystemLife, PSYS_SRC_TARGET_KEY, target, PSYS_SRC_OMEGA, omega ]); } default{ // state_entry(){ llSetObjectName("Magic 8 Ball ~"); Listen();//set up the listen, so we can hear whats said on the channel we're listening to } // on_rez(integer x){ llWhisper(0,"/me "+OnRezInfo); llResetScript(); } // timer(){//timer hear to clear the effects & FadeTextOut(Result); } // listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string msg){ //if(channel != dChannel)return;//if not on our set channel.. ignore it, leave event. //SubString examples from lslwiki.net //string result = llGetSubString("abcd", 0, -1); // gets "abcd" //string result = llGetSubString("abcd", 1, -2); // gets "bc" //string result = llGetSubString("abcd", 1, 3); // gets "bcd" //string result = llGetSubString("abcd", -2, -1); // gets "cd" string qMark =llGetSubString(msg, -1, -1);//we single out the very last character from message posted in chat if(qMark == "?"){//if the last character in the message posted into chat is a ? Particles();//start particle effect aList = llListRandomize(Answers, 1);//randomize our list of answers sList = llListRandomize(Sounds, 1);//randomize our list of sounds Result = llList2String(aList, 0); llTriggerSound(llList2String(sList, 0), Volume);//trigger our now random sound FadeTextIn(Result);//send our result to be faded into visible floating text llSay(0,"/me "+Result);//say in chat (channel 0) our random string from answers list llSetTimerEvent(EffectsDelay);//set timer event to stop particle effects & clear floating text. } } // } 
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